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Everything posted by zerocrash

  1. Well after a visit to my doctor this morning, I'm out. Less than a year ago my leg looked like this I thought it was healed enough at this point but after an x-ray this morning, no way can I take any type of impact yet and actually I may never be able to again
  2. Cuz your a racist, anti-semitic, agoraphobic arse
  3. You know your googling that shit trying figure out where you can get one
  4. WTF?? It's not tomorrow???
  5. And if any of you new members want to really want to hang out and get to know the OR people, then get your ass down to the Lodge Bar on Thurs! Quaker Steak is fucking gay, get over it. And seriously "guv'na", where the fuck are you for the real actuall OR deal??
  6. and are you heading to your "bbq"?
  7. I will not be there. Not at the Shell, not at the BP, and not at Taco Bell.
  8. How is riding around aimlessly helping???
  9. Uhmm, we went to several other bars downtown and they all had more beer for me. You should of come and got jiggy with us
  10. Ya'll should of been there last night, there was titties everywhere!! At least until Yota showed up....
  11. I don't know how! I saw you posted at like 7 something this morning, it was like 2 when you left last night!
  12. Hook a brother up!! I'm still trying to figure out why I woke up in the kitchen All good, I'm off today. Hair o the dog???
  13. pussy I shit my pants last night too. Nothing happened, I just sharted
  14. Yeah I got a bit wet myself. I don't mind riding in the rain as long as I'm prepared for it, which I was not yesterday.
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