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Everything posted by alexchannell

  1. I'm just one of the numerous people you want to fight
  2. Working on it man, working on it! (stop stalking me!!! )
  3. Lizard, I have been polite with you, you have started personal attacks and been completely oblivious to things I have said. Have I once said his suits are good? NO you on the other hand have never seen one and feel the need to trash them. I read your comments on the WERA board, you came across as an arrogant jerk, hence why many people there attacked you. You sell apparel, thats great, you have no idea my background and I am not going to go into it. I would certainly say I am qualified to make an unbiased judgment of materials, especially considering the flaming you have done on various boards regarding these suits (strong bias against them). I don't assume the suit is great or terrible (unlike you are doing) without personal inspection. Btw, I don't think the GP tech gloves existed when I bought mine. Also, maybe you should look at the SP series (my sp1's were gauntlet), they are lower end than the GP gloves...well, less expensive. No I have not shared anything with Dave, what is this question for? My lack of knowledge of testing helmets? Okay, why don't you find the testing specs and results from each manufacturer? You won't find that comparison as it's proprietary and could destroy certain companies. My open mindedness trumps you're vague opinions. Government testing standards for safety of leathers? Show me those standards. Until you do there "testing and certification" means nothing. They could very well go and touch, smell the leather and call it "certified". Never once did I say I know everything about this industry, I am however challenging your "know it all" attitude just because you work for an apparel company. Whatever man, I'm done, you can believe whatever you want. I'm not sure why you have this vendetta for Spartan leathers, maybe personal issues, I don't know. Hopefully you can be civil on the track when I ride with STT this year. Goodluck man. I'm done discussing this with you.
  4. Not fast enough! I have a feeling learning aggressive trail braking is going to put me on my face this year! I'd like to be middle of advanced with street tires, then I'll go towards race tires and warmers.
  5. GP Plus are only below their GP Pro gloves, to me, they should have held together better. (especially better than their SP1's) Nylon is a type of plastic, yes you can have slightly different formulations but there is not a big difference. I agree nylon sucks, but no thread I've seen does very well against the asphalt (even kevlar) the trick is to have exposed seams in areas that are unlikely to get hit (or have the hidden all-together). Certifications: You believe the 150 point certified used car inspections mean anything? Nope, just a marketing ploy to make people feel safe. I certaintly can believe his suits are crap, however I have seen no information that actually proves that. Most of the information you have given is dubious and in reguards to brand naming, certifications and the like. I agree the fieldsheer is not very good, however the jacket, at about $150 should be crappy by the logic you get what you pay for. I've crashed in it numerous times and never busted a seam. I've worn through the first leather layer in a couple places but it still protects well. Helmets: Again, people pay for the name quite often. Does a KBC really not protect as well as an Arai? Possibly, but the KBC could perform better and we don't have access to the tests done to determine this. Will the spartan suit be a piece of trash? possibly, however it seems you are basing that conclusion almost solely upon the fact it's not a big name brand and the leather hasn't been inspected before use (or at least not by the owner). I think we've discussed this enough though I'm sure I'll run into you at the STT days, I doubt I'll keep it off the pavment throughout the year so we will see some first hand results from a crash (or 5)
  6. Thanks for the input, lets hope mine works well enough. I do have some doubts though, I mean my alpinestars GP Plus gloves should be of good quality (materials, manufacturing, etc) however in one season they are now useless. The fingers had open seams that split, the leather is very weak too. This is not the first time I've seen a "high end" product crap out. I went with the Held Phantoms...hopefully they will do better. Basically my point is, Alpinstars is great at marketing however I have been let down by their product in the past (hell their SP1's held up far better than the GP plus). Fieldsheer leather pants failed quickly too. The only piece of gear I have that has held up well is my jacket, a hein gericke (sp) and it was $130... I don't subscribe to the "you get what you pay for mentality" due to past experiences. Hopefully these leathers last, if they don't hold up I'll be putting up a nice scathing review Frankly is seems as though you do take more risk with Dave's suits, however that doesn't mean they won't be better than other more expensive brands. Just because there is not a certification label doesn't mean much, they probably go and check 1 out of every 10 or hundred leathers and if it passes, they say it's certified. Heck look in the difference in quality in things made in the US, just because we have all that information doesn't = better quality and design. I guess it can be related to "kroger" or "wallmart" branded items. Could be just as good as the brand name but cost less due to no marketing/advertising/recognizable name. In reguards to the thread, nylon is a chemical, only differences between brands will be small, now if one suit used something that is acutally abrasion resistant (aramid fiber) then I would definatly say it is superior. All nylon scraped on the ground will seperate, it sucks for abrasion resistance. Have you seen one of these in person? I'm curious for an outsiders review from actually seeing one, naturally the people who buy them want them to be great and it sways their opinion. Then again you get the others with their brand name suits and want to rip on ones that may be a better deal.
  7. How about you break that down with quantifiable reasons? They like them a lot on the WERA forum, a few have been crash tested and held up with no issue, I have not heard any complaints.
  8. Custom fitted for $475 www.spartanleathers.com I'm waiting on mine to arrive
  9. Maybe not...just don't discount there may be a better option. "On the case of the tires: A 190 may have a negative affect on handling, but lets be specific. Stock is a 180/55, the key to this is the profile height (which is the 55) so going with a 190/50 (as some do) WILL absolutely have a negative affect on handling as it is a flatter tire, designed for a literbike which needs the greater contact patch while upright. But going with a 190/55, you are maintaining the height you have with the 180/55 but you are increasing the contact patch at your lean angle. If you search enough you will find some magazine have been torn between the 2 sizes (180/55 and 190/55). Some prefer the 180 as the tire weighs less and is cheaper to purchase. Whereas others prefer the confidence and advantages of the 190. And gearing changes play a part in the drive ability (loss) is going with the larger, heavier tire. As far as what is designed, in SS classes (where the rule states they must use OEM wheels, etc...) they run a variety of tire sizes, I've seen 190/55, 190/60 hell even a 195/70 on a STOCK 5.5" 600cc rim. And on a 6" rim I've seen up to a 205/70! Personally I run a 190/55 Superbike Slick and I love it! I've changed my gearing (-1/+1) which eliminated any losses in the tire increase and absolutely love the tires! And as far as profile and it's affect on handling, changing from one brand to another, or even from something like an OEM qualifier to a "off the shelf" qualifier will have as much affect on handling as changing tire sizes will. You should try it before you bash it! (even though I used to bash it before I did some research and learned for myself!)"
  10. Ohh I agree it wasn't a great move, when i got up there, they were so closed together I thought it would be safer to blow the corner instead of trying to squeeze in....maybe not.
  11. thanks for the breakdown guys, helps a lot.
  12. another video....I got scolded for the pass at the end. Couldn't see a place to fit in so I went in faster than I wanted and ran a little wide. Worked out okay but a little sketchy. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1832808331835428763&hl=en
  13. 190 is fine as long as you get the 55 aspect ratio. Very common for track 600's to do this.
  14. I've been really happy with them, feel more confident than qualifiers. This was sunday on the track/street tires (195/55 in the back - I like how I still have a little strip left whereas my qualifiers would have had none with far less lean angle, they inspire confidence) I bought them from cycle sector as well. Great guy. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8737001559137085681&hl=en
  15. Could you go into more detail on my lines in those places?
  16. Yeah I know my lines defiantly need some work, thing is I'm not sure I'm fast enough to go in advanced group without getting in the way too much. However I'm running out of people to watch in intermediate. A lot of the time, I try to stay the same distance from the curbing so I don't close up on people trying to pass, probably a bad habit, just trying to be predictable...don't want to wreck into someone else.
  17. Gotta say STT is way more fun than NESBA. The no passing control riders and no passing on the inside rules NESBA has just makes it annoying.
  18. Well thanks, however if you watch those videos, there is way too much traffic to need to worry about that, and I'll close up on the brakes pretty good anyways. (not going 100% with that much difference in speed).
  19. Ohh yeah? cool, I've got it on video at my house I'll upload it later....not much to see though.
  20. Nope, but when I state i know how to clutchless upshift and depending upon the conditions, I do it, then people keep harping on it...pointless. I'm all for positive critiques, however epeating the same thing over and over is pointless. (especially when people don't read a few lines prior)
  21. I like how everyone is focusing on unimportant stuff.
  22. Hence my concern about "full throttle upshifts without clutch" sounds terrible. Going from full open to almost full closed while being 6'5" on a tiny 600 and stock ratio throttle can be tough. In more of an upright position, it's not bad. At beaver I wasn't using the clutch most of the time.
  23. If your mashing gears under full throttle I feel sorry for that gearbox.
  24. It depends on what i'm feeling like. When I'm under the bubble, it can be tough to twist the gas off enough to unload the tranny. Just depends what I feel like, that day I chose to use the clutch.
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