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Everything posted by GSXRAntwon

  1. Bout time you showed your face once in awhile u lanky motha fucka!
  2. WOW CONGRATS AJ!!! I think that for everything bad that happens in life there is an upside. Good luck with the team at IPS, everyone there are more than willing to help anyone, anytime
  3. Good luck in your job hunt AJ. Have you talked to IPS?
  4. Wow since I posted that pic of the cyber gray Z everyone wants one now lol
  5. OMG this is so tragic! I will certainly miss his funny posts and definitely miss all of the Buick posts. RIP Kenny you will be missed
  6. Paul you are now on my ignore list. I cant stand this shit anymore.....
  7. Ill second that. Id love to beat the shit out of an SRT again
  8. WOW! Great looking girl and dog....sorry I just couldnt stop looking at pic 2 lol. Ur a Lucky man.
  9. Not gonna happen, they started this color in late 08-09
  10. Word! Cyber Gray is my favorite color on a vette, better than white IMO.... http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3244/2835417622_a948c9a1d9.jpg
  11. Boss is a very mild tempered dog, and a cute one at that. We fell asleep on the couch last night....but he kept farting and snoring the whole time lol
  12. Hahaha brotherly love lol....nice vids guys!
  13. 0% for 60 months now I believe
  14. Truth. Hopefully not as bad this year tho
  15. http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq33/LS-oned/DSC_0010.jpg?t=1237073632 http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq33/LS-oned/DSC_0007.jpg?t=1237073664
  16. Congrats on the purchase bro!
  17. Well the seller (my buddy) had a little hold up buying his new bike so Im not picking this up for a lil while I guess.....sux
  18. Idk dude likes batman I guess....f the emblems the car is HAWT!
  19. http://batman06.smugmug.com/photos/435914617_HCbx9-XL http://batman06.smugmug.com/photos/435914657_bT9rc-XL http://batman06.smugmug.com/photos/435914581_vXNJT-XL http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3230/2689656176_610bdbf99e_b.jpg http://batman06.smugmug.com/photos/334423939_sFTfA-XL
  20. http://batman06.smugmug.com/photos/435914236_r5K5d-XL That is all.....
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