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Everything posted by GSXRAntwon

  1. WANT. TO. HUMP. BUMP and GLWS Montel. One day Ill have an E55
  2. You can watch porn on the iPhone 4, ask me how I know Also if u jailbreak the iPhone 4, you can get Frash (a flash program)
  3. I need 2 tickets to tomorrows game. Preferably not student tix. Call me if you have some 614-588-2254 Anthony
  4. It's at the top Montel
  5. Whose got an old wallet I can have?
  6. You forgot the boat landing on you and smashing your head in, knocking hour head clean thru ur ass that hasn't shit in 3 days lol
  7. Trade Cobra for Vette. Get yo bitches. Profit.
  8. I ain't no pussy but I'd rather be on a bike than in that thing!
  9. Mark, Heres a new sig for ya http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c381/hlfvipr/wheelsupsig.jpg
  10. Jailbreakme does not work with iOS 4.1
  11. Yes yes and yes. I figured out its not compatible for 4.1 yet, as is the majority of the stuff on Cydia
  12. Justin, when I'm in Cydia and I download say the battery theme. I apply it in winterboard and respring it. Then I go back and it doesn't work? How do I get themes to work, other than complete themes?
  13. Just did it! Fuckin awesome!!!! I used this link thats VERY helpful: http://www.iphonehacks.com/2010/10/how-to-jailbreak-iphone-4-iphone-3gs-using-limera1n-windows.html
  14. Ur not gonna pay for it anyways so why does it have to be cheap! BAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
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