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Posts posted by thegame

  1. that sucks man, you were a temp im guessing?

    i got into that MSP program thankfully.. as far as i know im keeping my job, at ELP.

    they are moving me to another area in a few weeks to cover the temps that are gonna be getting laid off in april.

    im pissed though cause i had my interview right before the economy went south.

    things will turn around though.. and they will be calling you begging to come back. and then its gonna be more overtime than you can imagine

    Yea, temp. Woulda been there 2yrs in april. I got called in december i think from honda telling me my name got pulled for an interview, but then all this 3 day work weeks and laying off came about and nothing else happened with the interview situation. So im HOPING once things get goin again, they wont have forgot about me and ill be on the list to call and everything will be ok again. But well see.

  2. So i almost sold my bike today. Guy at work was lookin for a bike, was askin me about mine yesterday. Told him for the right price ill let it go. He called his credit union today and got denied cuz of a prior bankruptcy. So i guess im hangin onto it. Cant decide if i wanna keep it or put it up for sale though, especially since i lost my job yesterday (honda, got laid off). My girl wants me to keep it. I wanna do some mods to it, but i dunno how thats gonna fly. Hmm...

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