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Posts posted by thegame

  1. Anyone own any or know about them? Looking for some extra padding for my tailbone. Thought they might work. Atleast $50 though. Any other suggestions besides gain more weight/get a butt/etc...?

  2. no experience riding them. but have sat on a couple. was deciding between the c50 and the aero. both very nice. i ended up picking the aero because the handlebars came back towards me more. it is alot heavier than a sportbike though. moving the bike back and forth and when you move the bars, you can tell a huge difference. but riding it feels great. not heavy at all. i luv my cruiser. dont think ill go back to sportbikes. not practical for me.

    do the boulevards have fuel gauges? cant remember. my aero doesnt.

    dont know if its still there, but there was a blvd at iron pony.

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