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Posts posted by Vulcan_Rider

  1. people piss me off with their asinine misunderstandings of what freedom of speech is and isn't.

    insulation from being offended is NOT a right. "hate speech?" Is that even a legally defined term? Or is this guy just trying to expand the definition of "hate crime" on the fly? (don't even get me started on "hate crimes.")

    I tell people that a lot when they bitch about stuff like this. Nowhere in any law book ever written in the history of the United States does it say you have the right to not be offended. This is freedom of speech and religion plain and simple. This can be compared to the gay pride parade, it offends a lot of people and pisses them off but it is freedom of speech.

  2. Not knowing how old you are did you ever ride bikes/ dirt bikes at Devils Island (What us kids called it) it was a huge field behind what was Pondersa Steak house know a housing development, or in the rock qaurry?

    I lived on Sleepy hollow right off Josephine, just east of 42.

    I'm a youngin there have been apartments behind where ponderosa was pretty much my whole life.

    Hey speaking of riding... any of you guys ever offroad ride around the industrial park by skatestation and also across the street? There used to be boatloads of trails back in there in the 80's. Feelin old... we rode Honda three wheelers back then.

    My brother did when he was younger but I never have

  3. Still WRONG:


    Since county road 136 (Sleepy Hollow road) is approx. 5.6 miles in length and the Brunswick border is west of 103 (South Carpenter road) to SR 42 (Pearl road) equals more then 2/3rds the length of the road, and Brunswick Hills is only on the west end of 136.

    The answer is not 90%, you can do the math...or ride it, I'm tired from the research.

    I win, I win, and your a LIAR!!!!!:D I bet you don't live in Brunswick, probably a Hinkley Buzzard.

    Bow to your betters!:bow:


    Actually It is 5.9 miles long and the only section that is Brunswick is the north side of Sleepy Hollow from 42 to just past Plum Creek, therefore it is closer to 80% hills :D

    I am not from Brunswick but I dwell in the hills. As a matter of fact the Brunswick Hills police station (Grafton and Sub-station) is in my back yard.

    Yes it moved from 42 by Laurel a long time ago that is now the second fire station.

    I still live here so I claim victory...wait a minute...I still live here...FUCK! that's a loss

  4. Are any of the JoePa suppoorters sparing a thought for the rape victims here? Just wonderin'

    As victims I am sure they would like to see the whole college burn to the ground but it doesn't mean they are right. They have been violated in a way no one ever should be, but because they are suffering does not make it ok for for others to suffer without just cause.

    Paterno is collateral damage in a media driven public relations move. If other facts come out that indicate Paterno covered this up like the 2 that are up on chages then my opinion will change, until then he got screwed for following protocol.

  5. My hometown in the news for what some call hate speech.


    Although I do understand why people are offended it still falls under freedom of speech and religion. I do not believe that this is hate speech because in that religion homosexuality is a sin. Hell if crazy fucks from westboro baptist church are protected by freedom of speech and religion then there is no chance this can fall under hate speech.

    My personal opinion...its a dick move but it is a legal dick move that I will have to put up with.

  6. I am glad he got fired pa is one of the few states that does not legally require you to report abuse to police. If he was in any of the other 45 states his ass would be in jail. I think everyone in that chain of command should lose their jobs. I still don't understand how you could work with someone that long knowing that they did those kind of things.

    Why? Because Joe Paterno didnt meet your moral standard of doing enough? This is the type of shit that happens when the media sensationalizes and plays on peoples emotions.

    This is something I put on facebook earlier, might as well put it here too.

    More proof that the media is way more powerful than it ever should be, Joe Paterno was fired after doing absolutely nothing wrong and following proper procedure. The only reason he got fired is because the media made it out to be something it wasn't. This legendary coach gets fired which means no pension or any other retirement from the university all because the media once again sensationalizes the story and decides to play on the general publics emotion instead of reporting only facts and not bullshit. The general public is to blame too because 90% of people cannot put emotions aside long enough to look at facts all they hear is child molestation and anyone who knew the guy should be burned at the stake. Well congratulations assholes you just ruined the career and reputation of one of the greatest coaches to ever be on the field, i hope you feel better now that the witch hunt is over.

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