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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. This thread is funny, in an ironic sorta way. BornSinner - if you start judging YSR how he judges you, you'll earn a spot on his coveted blocklist. If you wanna persue that
  2. You were the one talking about getting nailed and giving head... Inappropriate sir
  3. What is IRS Tax Form 1099-K Facts About IRS Tax Form 1099-K: Merchant Card and Third Party Payments http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/5981280/what_is_irs_tax_form_1099k.html?cat=3 And that the point when you have over 200 seller transactions with over $20k in gross revenue... it's probably more than just a hobby
  4. Additionally... Collective Amnesia Strikes Swooning Media As Manly Gov. Christie Blames Public Unions For State Deficits
  5. I didn't read the thread, but did anyone get him midget hookers with midget blow? HBD MT
  6. Well, what's the real number then? I figure he'd pick the best 100 he could find right? And I dug through some of those examples... they really need to differentiate waste from fraud, and some of those "wasteful" program are debatable. For example, the WoW study (No, I don't play it), but I know they've learned a lot about human behavior and virtual economies from it. The study and subsequent cases I've read had scientific merit. Other may see the whole Iraq war money spent as waste... it's all in the eye of the beholder. I wonder how much Coburn charged the taxpayers to put the book together.
  7. $11.5B in waste isn't bad -- all things considered. What's the budget? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_United_States_federal_budget Total revenue $2.381 trillion (estimated) Total expenditures $3.552 trillion (estimated) So... "waste" is less than half of 1% (0.48%) - and that's using the revenue figure. If you use the expenditure figure, that drops to 0.32%. I bet everyone here buys dumb sh*t with more than .48% of their personal budget. Quick, grab your $350 gov't pitchforks !!!! :angrymob:
  8. It wasn't the inventor - it was the owner. Big difference.
  9. I read about the injury... but according to Red Bull, he broke the jump record by plenty during his practice attempts. 361 feet. The World Record Snowmobile Jump You Won't See On New Year's Eve
  10. Sounds like it's just starting for those guys..
  11. He's on a squidasaki. I'm a little disappointed there wasn't a GSXR involved
  12. China can do that because they're rolling in 'FU' money. As in 'FU America, we have all your money.'
  13. We're talking about halfway house-type deals. Govt money paying for those too, just not the supervision. Where are all the die-hard "tough on crime" folks? It's NBD and saves a ton of money until its your daughter that's raped from a guy who's had 40 "slaps on the wrist" for misc "petty" offenses like vandalism, shoplifting, drugs, bar fighting, etc.
  14. I guess this is a better chart United States Federal Tax Dollars
  15. I can't find apples-to-apples data... but I have per capita expenditures of FedGov money back to the states... the graph is pretty similar. So, the data really isn't all that different. States That Received the Most Federal Funds Though it doesn't account for taxes paid into the FedGov by the states either The REAL source that I figured you didn't want to comb through -- Federal Aid to States for Fiscal Year 2009 Issued August 2010
  16. http://taxprof.typepad.com/taxprof_blog/2004/09/red_states_feed.html
  17. Kill all that stuff and leave it to the states, and you'll end up sending all the poor people to the rich states to take care of them since all the poor states can't. I hope you guys like sweet tea.
  18. Whoever pays the mortgage gets the garage space. No negotiating. Until the bitchin' got too much for me to handle... the bikes went into the dining room, the GN went to my parents, and now we can get her car and my truck in the garage.
  19. This "moto guzzi" is strange and different from all the other strange and different members on here. I'm skeerd.
  20. What happens if you die tomorrow???... Think of all that fun money you could've spent instead of living for a tomorrow that never came... That's usually the rebuttal I get. Strike a responsible, affordable, comfortable, balance.
  21. While I do <3 the Boondocks, TARP was initiated under Bush and followed through by Obama. So, do you blame the bailout or the lack of oversight that caused it? Either way the onus really isn't on Obama other than finishing what was already started. And Ben, don't take my last post the wrong way... I don't mean for it to come off like I'm jumpin down your stuff, because it's not like I have all the answers either, but based on my readings and research I don't see where the profit motive / free market fits within our societal structure, which Pauly already noted... is basically just a Plutocracy disguised as a Democracy. The "free market" is what lead to the current structure, so resetting the field is just going to make it evolve into the same all over again.
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