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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. "The fastest way to look ghey". Unless Pauly thinks he can put his warbanner on quicker than 72mph
  2. New Ohio governor wants to go back to five snow days Yes, the first order of business should be to educate our kids less.
  3. Hee Hee Hee... it's funny because you don't touch the sides. Except it's your penis. Kawi - we'll still let you use the tweezers.
  4. Rut row, you make a ruling that gets you in the news and all your skeletons get pushed to the front of the closet. I.O.K.T.B.A.A.J.I.Y.A.R. Anti-HCR Judge Should Have Recused Himself
  5. That's just poor timing, not necessarily ignorance. Now if you would've bought it at MSRP after the Buell/HD announcement, then you got pwned. In the case of the OP, I dunno if the got taken, or maybe they're trying to take someone else? Maybe that $8k includes accessories, finance charges, etc? Who knows, either way, it's not a seller I'd want to deal with.
  6. Disagree. Flat tax isn't economically efficient. But I think I'd be a proponent of a VAT tax (with some consideration) if they do away with income tax altogether.
  7. So long as we're now on the same page. I dunno why that's even an iffy point. The more wealth you extract from a country the more you should pay to protect it -- think of it like mining. There are people on here that are convinced that lower taxes for the rich = 'trickle down' for the rest of us. This is failed economic concept.
  8. Enlighten me, I'm not aware of a lot of these tax incentives. Big businesses still pay more in total amounts.
  9. Why would you penalize big business for being successful? If you do that, they'll lose all incentive and just move overseas.
  10. Plutocracy is the American way. It's all I've ever known...
  11. Let's start a war, start a nuclear war. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTN6Du3MCgI
  12. For nostalgia purposes. Via: http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=58294&page=8 Starts on pg 8, but I took the pic from pg 18.
  13. The list is current still being constructed... so far it's: The Top 20 People Who Mattered in 2010 #20 Glenn Beck - The Lone Voice Of Reason In An Age Of Hysteria #19 LeBron James - Already An NBA Champion Of Friendship #18 Abby Sunderland - Concocted History's Most Extreme Plan To Get Out Of A Summer Job
  14. Flounder argued that the guy was an idiot for riding a scooter in the snow. Majority agreed, but nothing that was illegal. Therefore, illegal no, right thing to do, probably not, but that's not our decision to make. Health insurance, right thing to do/have, probably, legal to go without it, yes. But the difference in this case is that we ALL pay for the uninsured with regards to healthcare costs, so if the rest of us have to pay into a system that benefits people outside of the system, those people should also be mandated to pay their fair share. Not necessarily an equal amount, but their fair share. ...and we're heading down another debate with a bunch of hypotheticals and false equivalencies, when the bottom line is, we - as Americans - are the cost leader in health care, but have neither the best health, longest lives, or highest quality of life when compared to other countries.
  15. No, I'm saying the right thing is to do SOMETHING about this outrageous health care costs because for the level of care we pay for, we should have the best care in the world - and we don't when compared to other countries. Insurance reform is WAY more important than health care reform. When your profit motive is to deny me care for something I'm paying you for, WTF is the point?
  16. Yea, it's all about the premise of the bigger picture, which I stated -- sometimes the right thing isn't necessarily the legal thing, and vice-versa. There, I said it twice.
  17. It's no ookie cookie. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showpost.php?p=593201&postcount=13
  18. I reference flounders thread. The right thing isn't always the legal thing and vice-versa.
  19. Stick around kid, you might learn a thing or three
  20. Holy sh*t, stevechase lives too... must be a helluva lurker.
  21. SVs are GIRLS bikes ya'll.... c'mon! Just because she has a vag doesn't mean she needs her bike to advertise it for her too!
  22. Kevin haz berfdayz? Wow. Hbd old dude
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