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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. I'd do this every year if the prices didn't get raised by the amount they did. I guess it's still a good deal for you guys if you can fill the sessions, just too much for my cheap ass. I got a discount on my package from last year because of a private party that needed to sell his spot -- and I still only got 3/6 sessions on the track due to weather. That turned out to be an awful expensive KTM lanyard they gave us as swag to make up for 3 missed sessions.
  2. I was there Uncle Punk was there Avenger was there Hell -- even GOJIRA was there. Ohh, and sorry about any awkwardness Sam -- I'll keep my feet on the ground and out of my mouth next time I assume things. Wtf happened to the rest of yas?
  3. I don't see anything wrong with the verdict. As much as it pains me, Todd is right - libel is libel. But, it's only libel if what the guy posts isn't the truth and they can show monetary damages that resulted from the libelous communication.
  4. I have enough timeslips to heat my home for a week in the winter.
  5. I think Turbo and Inya are gay lovers. They're both local and they're both doing gay things by getting rid of their bikes. Hardly coincidental...
  6. Who are we going to pay to review applications? Where's that money come from? More bureaucracy?
  7. Maybe I'll swing by on my way back home... I'll be in Westlake playing volleyball at the Rec Center until around 8:30PM
  8. Sweet Jesus. Sweet Avy. You make things tough. *sadface*
  9. Bikes meet, go over any rules, and locations for stops. Ride to stop one - get card (food & beer optional) Ride to stop two - get card (food & beer optional) Ride to stop three - get card (food & beer optional) Ride to stop four - get card (food & beer optional) Ride back to start - get card (food & beer optional) You now have 5 cards (or stamps, or punches, or whatever they use to make your poker hand) Then you said you know how to play poker...
  10. Of all the VRods, those were always my favorite... the brushed metal look is smokin'. Congrats, even if it is a Harley.
  11. See, totally the same. Is it run by the same people? And what's the catch? You gotta buy food at each bar?
  12. I'll be ready with my google searches and links as soon as you knuckleheads want to come out from under those rocks and see the light. F*(k it Fonz, get a corvette.
  13. Do you NEED a family hauler? I mean, you have more than one vehicle right? In your situation with family and whatnot + the wife putting mileage on vehicles. I'd inventory a huge ass SUV for the famdamily and get the wife a little cavalier or something with high MPG to put the mileage on. Unless you have some sorta reputation to uphold and need "baller status"
  14. I have a nice S10 for sale... like new. I'm half-joking, but I was in your same spot many moons ago... I tooled around in a 1989 GMC Jimmy 4WD I bought for $500, put a gas tank in it, brake lines, half-shaft, rebuilt the starter, etc... it began nickel and dime-ing me to death, and always stranding me at inopportune times. It was mainly a blow to my pride every time I had to call my ol' man to bail me out/tow me home. You lose a little of your manhood when you call your "daddy" to haul your POS home. My dad didn't think anything of it "cuz you're family" (he's good people), but my ego didn't like that. Sold the Jimmy for $500 (after a deer hit me during a rally race), I had about $1k and 40 man-hours fixing/replacing parts sunk into it at that point and, that's how I ended up with a new 2003 S10 ZR2 as a Sophomore in college. I let all my "problems" become someone elses headache at least for the warranty period... I guess I can't complain too much, it cost me all of $500 after it was all said and done to drive the beast for a year. Plus, in a beater, you never had to worry about door dings or "keeping it nice" - there's something to be said for that. My $0.02, if you can afford it, I'd say do it. I value my time more than anything, so the less time I have to worry about having a reliable vehicle, the better. It was worth it from that aspect. You can bank money, but you can't bank time. Besides, you can't take $$$ with you after you're dead. But, I originally wanted just a base model S10 (Would've been < $10k OTD after all the sweet rebates at the time + GMS pricing), and ended up decking it out to the most expensive model (MSRP $29k) because I figured I'd be keeping it for a long time. So, just be smart about your purchase decisions - don't get roped into buying all the bells and whistles if you know you're not going to keep the new car forever. All these pieces of metal do are depreciate, so the less money you spend up front the less money you'll lose. Taking a $5k hit on a $10k vehicle is financially smarter than a $15k hit on a $30k vehicle though that's a drastically oversimplified financial analysis.* Good luck dude. *Do as I say and not as I do -- I think I have swine flu or some brainworm because I'm looking at Avalanches right now to replace the S10. I'm a scrooge when it comes to money, so I've gotta be going crazy to think I can treat myself to a $50k truck. WANT, but definitely not a NEED.
  15. I don't see it as a depravation... I see it more like a challenge/vetting process. Trial by fire -- sink or swim... you learn real quick who the sluts, attention whores, idiots, lacking in maturity, etc. OTOH, you also learn what chicks can handle themselves in a classy, witty, intelligent way. Why waste time beating around the bush? You don't test the structure of a steel beam by beating it with a hammer 1 GABILLION times - you put it under flame and drop it into a hydraulic press and see where it bends/fractures in less than a minute. Time's a wasting! Mj's an exception because she's an enginerd with a huge case of penis envy. If you can't beat 'em, think like 'em, eh?
  16. I think this is the same Poker Run I posted up here: http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=58854&highlight=Poker Sadly, I can't make it this week. Maybe next week?
  17. The tags are right. Black Tod will be angry. And we all know "black man rage" is not to be trifled with - it scares white people.
  18. Kind of like making me a sammich or getting raped... also a choice. What'll it be?
  19. <sigh> Fine, just fill in the blanks and you should be good to go. 1) Person addressed 2) Your name 3) Some variation of the Unaided Visual Estimate to write a Speeding Ticket 4) City of residence 5) City of residence 6) Select: small, mid-size, or large 7) Select: town or city 8) County in Ohio 9) Your name again 10) Your City again 11) Your congressional district (http://www.ohiosenate.gov/ - Type in your zipcode)
  20. Schmuck is? Is a Schmuck someone who won't take a deal at a Jew'd down price?
  21. Did this happen at the trackday? Mid-Ohio crash puts biker in hospital http://www.mansfieldnewsjournal.com/article/20100609/NEWS01/6090306/1002/Mid-Ohio-crash-puts-biker-in-hospital
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