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Kip Drordy

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Everything posted by Kip Drordy

  1. Everybody run!!! It's the living dead!!!!
  2. I was starting to go through withdraw...
  3. Holy shit man... Thats sad. I literally shook hands with him last night. My thoughts go out to his family.
  4. Dude, first you try to get as many continuances as possible. The longer you prolong things the greater the chances that the cop won't show. If you have a test that day use it as an excuse. Then when you do goto court you ask the cop tons of questions. How accurate was his car's speedo? What was the traffic like? Weather? Be a prick on the details and try to get him to slip on any of the facts. If he does you're golden. I had a ticket in Indiana in my car. I got it posponed 3 or 4 times before I went to Japan for a month. Eventually I got it put off the enitre summer like 4 months and by the time I had to go in (I didn't have a good enough excuse to get another continuance) the cop had gotten transfered and didn't show.
  5. Indy and the Last Crusade? That movie was awesome! I talked to some friends of mine who saw the movie last night and they said it sucked.
  6. That isn't what's funny about this story. I can only assume that you had a jacket on and just wanted to carry a hoodie. This guy was dumb enough to not wear his leathers and instead they got him in an accident. Some people man...
  7. Is that McLovin or Jason Britton? I couldn't tell.
  8. to the thunderdome!! Smuchingham the jolly gay giant...
  9. I don't get it, is it like a traveling circus? Complete with freaks on Harleys?
  10. That reminds me of the joke about the kid who wants to know the difference between confident and confidential. The father responds by saying, "You are my sonI'm confident about that. Your friend next door, he's also my son but thats confidential."
  11. How about, "Man this acid Joe in accounting sold me isn't doing shit."
  12. http://www.break.com/index/operation-bass-pro-shop.html
  13. to the thunderdome! I'm sure there are plenty of people in the Northeast to ride with.
  14. Except for lose ground or stopping on a hill I rarely use my rear brake at all so I don't think you'll have trouble waiting a bit. It'll probably get annoying though.
  15. After my experience trying to get my bike warrantied I'm not going back there ever again PERIOD!
  16. I bought my bike there and after some hardball and 3 walkouts I got a great deal on my 06 750. The service there blows ass, as I just found out (my bike was there for over a month to replace a part that took only an hour), and don't get their "Prefered Service Plan." Its a rip off. Just be a hardass about price and you'll walk away with a good deal.
  17. Good to hear you weren't hurt. Bikes are always fixable. It always scares me to hear drivers say "I didn't see you!" It makes me wonder what else they miss while they're driving. Like little kids or pedestrians. Hope you still make it to Lodge and can stay a while. A get well shot is on me when I get there.
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