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Posts posted by Sully

  1. I went through a dissolution. We weren't separated a year before ours was finalized. We didn't have kids and she didn't want anything of mine. She took all her stuff when she moved out. I didn't even have to get an attorney. I just agreed to split her attorney costs with her.
  2. Had all 4 of mine taken out when I was 16. I don't really remember anything about the pain. I sat and slept in a recliner for a full week, with ice-packs propped up against both sides of my face the entire time.

    However, I do remember passing out the night that I had it done. I hadn't had anything to eat all day. The teeth were pulled early that morning. At about 8pm, I wanted to eat something. I got up from the recliner, walked to the kitchen and sat in the chair. I started sweating and wanted to go outside for some cool air. As I got on the enclosed back porch, I passed out. Somehow, one of my cousins that was there, kept me from falling all the way down the cement steps to the basement. She stopped me on the 2nd step down. Talk about scary.


    I had fallen down these same steps when I was a kid and busted my nose causing it to bleed for what felt like hours.

  3. Buy the house right across from ours. :) Be easy to work on that TA then.. and my future car. ;)


    That would be cool and all, but I want some elbow room. I am sick of living in a development. Having grown up on 50 acres, living on .00000001 acres sucks ass. I don't want to be able to see in my neighbors windows and vice versa. This house was only a 5 year plan anyway and it bit me in the ass when Dominion fucked us over.


    I am leaning toward renting this house out. If it all works out, my payment on my current house will be about $750 a month. I would charge $900 a month for rent and set the extra money from rent aside for repairs. With my downpayment toward the new house, my payment will be about $750 there as well.


    The only thing I have to worry about is finding someone trustworthy enough to rent this house that won't have any troubles making the payment.

  4. dude, why get a bigger house? you aren't getting married again are you?


    Oh FUCK NO dude!!! This place is on 3/4 of an acre. The garage is 8 feet wider than mine and 5 feet deeper. And still have room to build a detached garage at a later time if wanted. The basement is 3 times the size of my current one. It's about 10 minutes closer to work.

  5. I currently have a house across from Georgesville Square. I am looking at a bigger house in Canal Winchester and might put an offer on it this coming weekend.


    Should I sell my current house or rent it out? If I sell it, I am going to take at least a $20,000 loss on it, possibly even $30,000. And it could take MONTHS to sell it. I don't want to pay 2 mortgages for 6 months or however long it takes to sell it.


    If I rent it out, I have to find someone who is going to take care of it. Plus, I'm not sure how much to charge for rent. It's a Dominion, 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, full basement, dining room, living room, big kitchen, attached 2 car garage. Not counting the basement or garage, it's a little over 1,600 sq ft.


    I just don't know what to do. So I'm asking for your opinions and advice. What do you think I should do; sell or rent it out? If you think I should rent it, how much should I ask?


    Thanks in advance,


  6. It is 1am for sure. I was eating at BW3 with my friend thursday. Last call was 1230am there and that didn't seem normal. So we left after 1am to go find beer. We went to 5 stores and gas stations and none would sell. We went to a bar and they wanted $27 for a 12 pack of miller high life.


    I strongly remember a few years ago when I lived with my parents the cut off time was 2am. I would go to Kroger and get beer on a weekday.


    Did they change the time?



    I thought it used to be 2am as well.

  7. Not jack or jim at your house? empty keg?


    Zero, zilch, nada. Work has owned me for the past 6 weeks. Today is 42 days worked in a row; and is my last day!!! I get 3 days off and then I go back to my normal weekday schedule.


    I picked up an 18 pack of Bud Select and a bottle of Jose Cuervo Black Medallion this morning. I think I'm set for tonight.

  8. wait its 1am never mind, but you can also go into a bar and buy the beers to go, but they will rape you.



    I know. They charge you however much they cost if you was to sit in the bar and drink them. I'm not THAT desperate.... at least not yet.

  9. How late do the gas stations sell beer? I won't get off work until about 2 and since i've worked 41 days straight, I could use an ice cold thirst quenching beverage tonight. Well, several, actually.


    I have to work tomorrow night and then I'll FINALLY get 3 days off.

  10. I find nothing happy about them


    +1. Tragedy strikes my family around this time every single year. Because of some shit that went down in my family last week, I will be returning everything that I bought them.


    Yesterday I went to someone's desk here at work to fix their computer and they had a little radio on their desk playing holiday music. I just wanted to throw that thing across the fucking warehouse. I was twitching the whole time I was at that desk. A simple little task that only took a couple minutes felt like an eternity.


    Next Tuesday, I will be sleeping in and then work on the car the rest of the day.

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