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Everything posted by gixxie750

  1. i know every member on my site personally. I run my site the way I run it and dont need to explain anything for any reason. I said what needed to be said to the people that needed to hear it.
  2. ron this going to court would be the reason our system is so clustered with lawsuits.
  3. i posted on here that i was sorry. The people on my site all know me and they dont need me to tell them i was joking cause they already know. For the people on here that do not know me i say to you. I DID MAKE A MISTAKE TYPING WHAT I DID ON MY SITE AND IN NO WAY DID I OR DO I INTEND ON HURTING ANYONE!i AM SORRY TO THOSE THAT ARE INVOLVED FOR MY ACTIONS.
  4. nice edit casper lol. do u have cat ot john deer controll on that backhoe sam?
  5. you and everyone else lol. Hell i'd buy one.
  6. I said i was sorry to the person involved. This thread here is just as bad or worse because its doing the same thing. Threads are meant to be read and opinions can form thats what there here for.
  7. I agree man. I dont go because its not fun for me to waste ammo.
  8. i dont dislike ohio riders!
  9. gixxie750

    sat. nite

    i went out last night as you all can tell lol.
  10. i wasnt there seeing as i dont like guns too much. I have a couple,but they are just for protection. Yea those guys in the video grew up shooting guns and they know their guns.
  11. kawi had the popcorn out at the beggining of this lol. And no i didnt mean it! I was drunk and typing on a computer. Not an excuse,but thats why i said what i said.
  12. i couldnt see the PDF on here so i copied this from our site ok i'm truly pissed(title) I have been on Ohio riders for almost 2 years now and for the most part i have been able to deal with the minority of them being little bitches!!!! Not untill now has it made me mad! One of their members said he would pay $20 to someone to buy our shirt and burn it and thats over the line! F*K that little dick sqweezing bitch and f*k his family! Free shirt for the first people to find out where he lives and egg the f*k out of his house! Sorry jack and beer make me angry! This is what i said on there. I only changed the cuss words. I did cross the line saying anything about his family and i'm sorry. But like i said at the end i was drunk and people who i know know what i'm like when i get drunk.
  13. Move this over to the other thread that dude. Ask it again there. It will be easier to follow for everyone if we talk over there.
  14. Dam casper. I did ask you for Advice and I thank you for it. So you are saying that because of one thread I wrote you can tell what kind of person i am. I was Drunk and mad.
  15. i didnt threaten your family. I said egg your house thats not a threat to you or your family. I am a nice guy and anyone will say that if u ask them. I dont fight i dont egg peoples houses i dont threaten people. I do however get drunk and read things on the net and get mad and rant to my friends about it. You instigated everything
  16. by the way i dont act like i do trackdays i do trackdays. And that whole video ordeal helped all of us stay safe on the street. As for me i sold my streetbike and only have a v-strom to ride the streets. I Learned from that day so my rep will be a positive one to everyone who knew/knows me.
  17. lol,We used to egg houses as kids all the time. Dont worry no one cares enough to actually go to your house and mess with anything. Thats just crazy to think we would. It was a rant and i'm sorry i dont usually get that personal,but i was drunk on whisky. I plan on being cool with all OR and dont make enimies because its not worth it.
  18. Wow. just wow. I thought you liked guns? I guess we do that wrong too. It is fun though.
  19. The tee shirt was just the last straw for me. I am generally a nice guy and let things go,but the e bashin crap just pissed me off on a drinking night. He doesnt know me or any of us junkies and he always starts crap for no dam reason. This forum is for riders and we all ride. This forum that i love to support and use is the only place i have ever met people like smuckingham. I dont understand the way they hate blindly and judge as if they are all high and mighty. It would be like me saying i would pay $20 for someone to burn an Ohio riders shirt. Its just not right and i got mad.
  20. thats interesting.... I dont ever edit my site ever. As for threats i never made any threats. I did rant on my site,but thats MY site and i can run and say whatever i want. You want me to come to you and say what? What does consider myself warned mean? Thats the only threat that has been said so i guess i'm warned....
  21. junkies shoot outs...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQ7zL-LqlW8
  22. hell yea fusion!!!! I hope to see it at the track again lol.
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