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Everything posted by gixxie750

  1. look for a party source. U put a deposit down on the keg and pump and get ur $ back when its returned.
  2. Man all i have to say is everyone is stupid at some point in their life and life will teach you lessons. This guy will learn the hard way,but till then he will never understand. We all were new riders(squids)at one point and didnt know any better. I have seen too much gore so i know the importance of gear when riding. Stunting is another form of controll that should be learned to some degree,but wear gear and do it somewhere safe.
  3. my dream bike! I wish i could afford something like that!
  4. I'm down! Leaving for putnam id 20 min so you guys have a great weekend and ride safe! I will have pics and videos for everyone on our return! Peace!!!!
  5. in the local paper down there they say that the LEO's will be setting up checkpoints this weekend on 22 so be carefull! Its a 55mph zone and is fun to go 55. Also Anywhere its 35mph go 35!!!!!!!!! Have fun and ride safe!
  6. I will be at Putnam park all weekend. I am going to try to ride on monday when i get back. We normally meet at 10am and if ur there then you wont miss us! Be carefull everyone!
  7. just wondering are these times clockwise or counter?
  8. Why would you want this? So you cant put ur bike in second gear with it off?
  9. last chance! Anyone want to come? Anyone going to be there????There are 7 of us going!
  10. this happend at grattan? Glad you are ok man!
  11. I just got done eating that dam mistery meat nasty thing . I'm still regreting that lol
  12. I still say hammer! It only dents the lock rings a little and if you use a punch it really doesnt hurt it too bad. Have someone pick the rear end up and it will be even easier.
  13. man i feel super lucky! I didnt really know they were bees till i stoped and saw mass bees in the radiator and air intake.
  14. its on from here on out! Every wed till end of summer.
  15. Yea it was a great day and was good to re-meet you lol! Glad you both could come and ride these roads with us! I rode again today(sunday) and it was great day also. I rode through a huse swarm of honey bees and killed about 100+bees with my bike and helmet was really scary lol.
  16. so who is in for sure????? I will be riding to columbus after this ride so i can ride with some of you on ur way home too!
  17. that is totally unfair!!!!! Mechanical issues are not fair!
  18. man call me 513-678-7686! We will at least hang out!
  19. I like them because you can paint the inside of them and it will never scratch! It would be great for a rattle can novice painter! I used to love painting my RC cars plastics because it always turns out good. Hotbodies does make some junk stuff though.
  20. All i can say is that new riders have to start somewhere and if they have a good head on their shoulders and the rider infront of them doesnt take them into anything too hot they should be fine! I took jess on those roads and went a decent pace all day and she did very well!
  21. lol you guys....... I went there for my first time riding EVER and was fine. I hit that dog the first time ever on these roads. I know I said "new riders",but to me that means people new to riding with me and the rout. Also everyone has to learn somewhere and I dont recomend The road,but i can help. I just want to introduce people to the roads that got me to love track riding and teach them safety and to leave their ego at the door. Anyone can ride these roads,but it takes self controll to be safe and no one can teach somebody that but themselfs.....
  22. Its all good. I have some new riders attending this trip and i'm going to be the "controll rider" this weekend to help out all the riders. I dont want any more crashing this year so I am going to help out everyone. I get all my speed needs out on the track and the roads are just to keep me on the bike and to help others.
  23. as far as i know green is the only one that no-one has died b4. I was deff happy to have the parachute on when i got in their plane because that thing makes you want to jump out lol.
  24. That could look cool. poor bike!
  25. Its a 200+mile day. We ride 10,22,165,17 and many more roads in nky.
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