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Everything posted by gixxie750

  1. This has been one wet spring!! I hope for dry weather all summer.
  2. HOLY huge turnout! 300plus people and 70+bikes!
  3. Sweet! Ride safe and I will see you later!
  4. There will be at least 100 sport bikes there.
  5. We will have all kinds of drinks and food. It will be fun!
  6. Just wanted to invite everyone from O.R to come to our new motorcycle shops grand opening part 2mro April 30th. We start at noon and go to 8pm. There will be free skyline chili from 12-3pm and then free cheeseburgers and hot dogs from 3-5 and then free pizza after that. We are having a raffle for free mid-oh track days and have multiple shirts and motorcycle shwag to give away. Addy 3926 Eastern ave Cincinnati Ohio 45226 513-321-2087 Sorry for the late notice and I will be sponsoring O.R this season as soon as I can get the details worked out! Weather looks KILLER so come out and eat,drink and talk bikes!
  7. gixxie750

    KY ride???

    Hell yea guys! 10/22 is prob the best roads around!
  8. This sux. If you go racing allot this happens all the time. Hope all riders involved recover fully.
  9. hondas use the coolant to operate there choke.
  10. All i know is gloves are the most important thing in a crash where sliding on assfault is concerned. I like how most the new gloves are starting to come with palm sliders. BUY NICE GLOVES!
  11. Man $700 to install a newer motor? Should have brought it to cinci!
  12. Welcome! Do you have all your riding gear already?
  13. Liz you have never really been wrong. Just blunt and to the point. You are good people and no matter what you type on the net I know you are a good dude and will always listen to your advice. To all that don't like you they just need to meet you.
  14. at roebling's strait they have MASS time lol.
  15. man if you stand on the strait when they go past they are totally bored anyway. If this makes them go faster I'm all for it lol. Deff give props to that team.
  16. Always Always Always get the Rivet type master link. END OF STORY.
  17. welcome! I am in cincy and my buddy needs you lol. He had a car pull out in front of him!
  18. did it even go through the belts?
  19. heat gun or blowdrier. I can get you the stickers from honda. I need to know rt or left
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