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Everything posted by gixxie750

  1. PM sent. Also if u have a CBR the best deals are avail!!
  2. Man the kids in the video were deff close to getting hurt! The wires snaped the electric pole T part like a twig and thats some hard wood! I bet after the camera man turned the camera he went running!
  3. gixxie750

    Twa 800

    we never get the "real truth" ever. The govt plays us like pawns. 911 was deff known and maybe planed by our great country
  4. I have been given a GREAT deal on new sharkskins bodywork and like to see if anyone here is interested in new ones for their bike. PM me for prices because i'm not allowed to post them.
  5. I have done them all! All I can say is once you go you will be the happiest person in the world lol. All that really matters is you are willing to spend $300-$500min for a weekend at the track. Its 100% worth every penny.
  6. i have a really mint front wheel black that i'd like to trade.
  7. the powercommder fits o6/07 gsxr 600/750 too
  8. I have a brand new never mounted 07 gsxr 600 wheel. Need top $ for it though. $250
  9. Man if your choices are katana or TL its TL all the way. If u like to ride the speed limit normally and every once in a while get a wild hair in you for some wheelies ora spirited pace the TL will do it all. http://www.youtube.com/user/tl1000?feature=mhum#p/u/49/B1p8CBWzwbY
  10. I still have my first sportbike a 97 TL1000S. I love the thing! Its loud,wheelies,has mass torque,and is just fun to ride! If you want to canyon or backwoods ride its perfect. Its not the greatest on the highway road trips,but that being said I have taken mine over 1000mile weekend trips. Get one If u have a choice between a katana or TL i'd defiantly take the TL. What yeat TLS is it? miles? mods? Here is my TL(broken lol) from last weekend
  11. Bet that thing is worth ALLOT of cash!
  12. some pics As much as I hate fall it makes for some good scenery... My favorite one
  13. Most important part is that you soap them really good!
  14. What great times! If you were there riding i have tons of pics here http://www.facebook.com/pages/Cincinnati-OH/Assfault-Junkies/133001519313
  15. +1... Hope your friend gets better.
  16. Welcome! I have a 97 TLS and love it! I'm on the east side of cincy.
  17. That has to be sped up. If it were real there would be a AFJ sticker on the windscreen...
  18. yea i'm riding my 07 600 now. I finished top 5 in all my classes so I may have to go expert.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPgBTwUIJ_Q finished 3rd!
  20. I know the owners of the track and love what they have done! this is going to be cool and i will deff check it out.
  21. These are brembo full floating rotors with one season on them. They are in GREAT condition and are 100% strait with little to no wear on them. Fit 04/05 gsxr 600/750 and may fit 03/04 gsxr 1000,but not sure. $250 wheels are sold...
  22. clifton is going to be GREAT for bikes! This is at least a step in the right direction!
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