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Everything posted by gixxie750

  1. Once were open deff check with me for anything you need. I'd at least like a chance to help! I will always be on the net so it will be easy to contact me for bike needs
  2. YAY more stuff to control us with!
  3. Oh and if i don't have time to go race I will make time lol. Racing is my passion and I have to to that too. Its what partners are for lol
  4. Liz I already know the sacrifice of this venture! I have been working 2 jobs 7 days a week for 2 months now. I have saved and saved and saved,sold my boat,sold all my stuff and selling the RV next. Along with my partner we are going to have the $ to get all the accounts we need along with all the major tools and bikes/inventory. As for the site sponsors they are just there to help get the things we cannot get without having an acoount. Say we need something special and we don't have an account so we just get it through them. As for shopping around at other shops I can say I have been to every shop here locally and around the tri-state and I have to say they all mostly suck. I think its the customer service that is the worst part of all the dealers. Yes they can get anything I want,but most the time they don't have a clue what I even want and seemed annoyed to even look it up. The main factor in doing this shop is simply do to the full of suck feeling I get whenever i walk into a local "motorcycle" shop. I am deep into this sport along with my co-owner and we know bikes and have the passion. So once someone walks in for some tires and sees pics and vids of us and local people doing the sport they will see this is a place where they want to shop for the rest of their lives! Prices and parts will be as low as we can make them and deals will be = to buddies and strangers. Everyone around cincy is willing to give us a try and know that if we are to survive that we have to make $. Used stuff is going to be very new to the city and we will have tons of used modern parts from the many salvage bikes we have and will buy. So if you need a stock reaset I bet we will have it used for a decent price. I love reading all the info all of you jhave and never want it to stop so I can make this thing work. My main goal is to have a shop where you can get new or used parts and know that you can stand there and ask all the stupid questions you have ever wanted to ask from guys in the sport.
  5. The best part of all this is the site sponsors are all a big part of this! Once Jan 1st rolls around you will notice allot less site sponsors because we are going to team up with the ones who are really willing to help us out. Its going to help us have killer deals on ANYTHING these bigger shops can get and we all win!
  6. Yea we will use them for all customer bikes. I will not be head mechanic thank god so costumers bikes will be safe. I personally will watch him use one and it will feel good knowing that its done 100% correct on other peoples bikes. My bikes will maybe just maybe get one used on them,but only if he is working on it.
  7. If you are willing to come it would be great!
  8. its not really worth it. If u have never been its kinda cool,but all the dam loud bikes and cops everywhere kinda kill it. It may actually be more fun to not bring a bike and just party? I won't go back...
  9. if your on 52 you would turn on tenneyson and it dead eands at our door. 3926 eastern ave. Kinda near where delta meets 50 and 52 area.
  10. I may try the facebook adds. Really looking into radio commercials for the grand opening,but dam that cost some $$$$$! We have skyline and some other local places signed up for the opening day party. From what the lawyers I've been talking to the take off thing is very sketchy. Maybe a waiver is the only way around the legal issues.
  11. Thanks for all the positive words! I think we can actually pull this off and its going to be a fun ride. As of now it will be my second full time job so my first job will at least pay the bills. If all goes as planned I can live a fun life traveling and living in the bike world.
  12. I dont think the past will matter to people when they need bike help or parts. As for take offs we are reallt trying to figure it out legally. If not i may have tons and tons of them for sale at my house lol
  13. lol shitty. I am very scared and have Allot of $$$ invested. The legal part of all this is like 1000X more complicated than opening any shop lol. Going to be a fun ride!
  14. it will happen! My spaceship will be done in 6 months! later suckers!
  15. Very excited that I may finally be living my dream here soon as a motorcycle shop owner!! Its located off 52 on cicny and has been under construction for a couple of months,but its close to time to stock the place! We will be servicing and repairing sportbikes/racebikes and building,selling motards. If you are in cincy anytime after March 1st stop on in and say hello! The stores name is assfaultjunkies racing and we hope to at least make a mark here locally and on the net here soon! If u can think of anything i need to carry please let me know. THANKS! pics
  16. the seat is great! Always scared my son will somehow flip off the back. I would use it just not strap him in.
  17. All i see is camel toe.... I like it!
  18. the more $$$ to go into our sport the better!
  19. Why do people go out and drive in the snow with their caution lights on?
  20. yep! Cause you can remove bodywork and change tanks,but the remains of a steering stem lock being pried off never leaves.
  21. was the steering stem locked?
  22. dam honest bus driver. It is a little strange to swerve your bus to hit a snowman?
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