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Everything posted by CRed05

  1. It would be cool to see they do against each other. B5 likes 40 rolls, and so does the clutch. You have all winter to get a fuel pump.
  2. My post doesnt look like its been messed with or anything....
  3. I can teach you how to drive a MT if you like.
  4. :dumb: See I like to think of it as a chipped B5 RS4 sedan with exhaust and FMIC. That's quite the trap speed you got there...:masturboy:
  5. Yeah...won't be coming close to that one. I'd prefer a male boxer sex toy anyway so I think I'll pass. Nice ninja edit
  6. Nice supercharger, would you like a carburetor with a side of pushrods?
  7. No, YOU lose for not catching the sarcasm. Fucking nissan...youseriousbro?
  8. Religion, the root of all problems.
  9. It's already been answered in here. Yes.
  10. I was just behind a santorin (if that's still what they call it) blue b8 s4 coming back from lunch. :megusta::megusta::megusta::megusta:
  11. Que? No speaka. If that's his point, then cool I guess. He doesn't know how to communicate clearly from what I've seen in past interviews and debates, so I guess he has a hard time doing it in a rehearsed promo video also. Rule #1 of the internet: OP is always a faggot.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/user/RPerry2012?v=0PAJNntoRgA#p/a/u/0/0PAJNntoRgA Is this real life? Feels like I'm living in the 1700s It's just unreal to me that it's still an issue to people that "the gays" can serve in the military. Why is this even an issue? Where the fuck do they get these clowns that run for president? This dude is the damn Governor of Texas... http://s3.amazonaws.com/kym-assets/photos/images/newsfeed/000/214/214/tumblr_lvvdnlAI4J1qithvxo1_500.png?1323324493
  13. Audi owners are the sexiest EDIT: This calls for a sexy party http://tengushee.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/sexy_party_stewie.jpg
  14. How much are the Liberty diesels going for nowadays?
  15. http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/12/2009/12/audi-vs-bmw.jpg
  16. Gas isn't that bad, 17MPG combined is what it's rated at. Tires + Brakes are going to vary based on how you drive. The carbon build up is enough to turn you off. I wonder if it's really THAT big of a deal, or just another case of the internet blowing shit out of proportion.
  17. http://www.audizine.com/forum/showthread.php/336352-Audi-FSI-Engine-Carbon-Build-up-Megathread This is terrible @ 35K miles: http://img695.imageshack.us/img695/5778/img00117201002251529.jpg
  18. #1 thing is sensors. One by one they'll go bad as the car ages. O2's, EGT, coil packs, ABS sensor. It's really not bad, sensors aren't really expensive (except EGT's are fucking $500 a pair). Around 100K miles a lot of shit will need replaced (timing belt, suspensions, random sensors), but then you're good for another 100K.
  19. They're fucking sexual. I'm just going off the top of my head, Jones will correct me if I'm wrong, but the 2012's will get the supercharged v6 from the S4. The others still have the V8, but the 2011 convertibles have the supercharged v6 already. The V8 has been proven to be reliable, but I think those are direct injection, so valves will need cleaned after a while. EDIT: 2013 gets the V6. 2011 Got the facelift http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/63/Audi_A5_Coup%C3%A9_%28Facelift%29_%E2%80%93_Frontansicht%2C_29._Oktober_2011%2C_Mettmann.jpg/774px-Audi_A5_Coup%C3%A9_%28Facelift%29_%E2%80%93_Frontansicht%2C_29._Oktober_2011%2C_Mettmann.jpg 2010 Got LED tail lights
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