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Everything posted by CRed05

  1. I'm sure it will come with all those things...except the oil cooler will probably be oil to water to air, which is far superior to just oil to air.
  2. It has Way cooler than anything mentioned so far
  3. http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/5480/77313624d3d1b5d8ae.jpg http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/8302/77313595164d094cb8.jpg http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/4214/77313623401519276d.jpg http://img838.imageshack.us/img838/3428/773136097f75b3402c.jpg http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/6356/77313610e24da3467e.jpg Hint: Anniversary, Turbo
  4. If someone is sitting at the table, ask them if its ok if you join. Tip the dealer. Remember that the objective isn't to get 21, but to beat the dealer. You and whoever is playing with you are on the same team, so play with them to beat the dealer.
  5. http://media.riemurasia.net/albumit/mmedia/8n/77/azvb/63603/743701640.gif http://i.imgur.com/GIRdK.gif http://barrettdesigns.com/tw/242834_beatdown.gif http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2010/9/14/5bd59f89-b159-4f8a-9f26-7146f689fa21.gif http://www.ezpicshare.com/images/1268503838.gif
  6. http://knowyourmeme.com/i/000/071/932/original/tumblr_l6o2khdlna1qb5gkjo1_500.jpg?1284588123
  7. I just watched a documentary on HBO called "My trip to al-Qaeda". Pretty interesting and I recommend watching it. But in it they talk about an incident that happened in Saudi Arabia, where a school for girls caught on fire, and people would not unlock the doors to let the girls out because they were not wearing their veils. One girl was told by her father to run back to go get her's, she did and never made it back. It's a terrible religion in my opinion. Problem is, like sol740 already mentioned, we can't do anything about it, it goes against what the US was founded on.
  8. http://images5.cafepress.com/image/20660165_125x125.png http://thecia.com.au/reviews/j/images/joe-dirt-1.jpg
  9. This I like the current ones better with the lambo looking wheels.
  10. Cool. I hate the sideways swiping on the launcher. Is there an option to install non-market apps? At&t blocked it on theirs. The phone really is very light.
  11. I guess it could have been worse, I just saw this poor dog on google http://www.my-baby-pet.com/wp-content/images/pitbull_meets_porcupine2.jpg
  12. People who say this often say things like... "One Smirnoff Ice please!" "I need to buy more V necks" "I would like to run into George Micheal in the restroom"
  13. Bullshit asshole, nobody likes the tuna here
  14. It has been the internet standard of testing phones ever since the internet was declared not a dumptruck. T-Mobile might be a small company in the US, a country where people think nascar is racing, but they are much larger in Europe. I hope that you are wrong and they stay cheap. Fuckers still charged me for roaming when I was in London on tmobile. $800 phone bill what?
  15. I was exaggerating a bit, but let's take the story of the golden calf. God's original plan was to kill those who worshiped it, but Moses convinced him not to. At first he was like: http://www.gearfuse.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/zeus-lightning-bolt-letter-opener.jpg but then he: http://doggies.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/10-commandments.jpg
  16. That's just what I've always been taught, as a non-catholic. No saints, just God and Jesus...and the holy spirit I guess, but it's different. http://www.lolblog.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/allahsaurus.jpg
  17. You're right. Worshiping anyone but God will get you killed/sent to hell according to the Bible, but see the Catholics are different, they get to worship whoever they want to as long as they made them a saint first. This is why I no longer believe in anything, because it's all made up bullshit.
  18. Awesome. I need some of those Obama can't gymkhana stickers.
  19. CRed05

    hey paul

  20. Well please give me your definition of 4G. Verizon does not have 4G, no one has 4G. Verizon is working on getting LTE, which also IS NOT 4G. LTE Advanced is 4G. T-Mobile does already have HSPA+, that's UP TO 42mb/s, and a phone that can support it, the G2.
  21. I have proof that Verizon is slower than T-mobile, I've done speedtests and Verizon is MUCH slower. But Verizon does have 3G out in the sticks where I get EDGE or even just GPRS. You guys need to use a non-verizon android phone and then you'll see the difference. Free wifi? Free visual voicemail? No blocked apps on the market? The X is the worst. The droid isnt that bad, and neither is the incredible, but it's getting worse it seems. Verizon is also more expensive than T-Mobile, so even with all that pre-loaded bullshit and "sponsorships" its still more expensive. Fail. But that's the price you pay for being on the country's largest network.
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