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Everything posted by CRed05

  1. http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSmiBpLYN6fMFcofyubHJqWO0LGPRCwu8_v53vI0F-gkzclMjo&t=1&usg=__r4py-BmcaITv01K2M3ec0-xtk54= Camry's are built on their racing heritage.
  2. 5th LFA to ever land on US soil detailed pics: http://www.flipside909.com/gallery/080610lfa
  3. dumbasses Next time build a car that DOESN'T catch on fire.
  4. Yes, people thought that car will be the Supra, instead it turned out to be the LFA
  5. Porsche Panamericana http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2463/3864478768_18edb31c56.jpg
  6. Cool. And apparently it doesnt smell bad. But it requires a lot of poo to run, like it said, 70 homes to get 19K miles. That's 270 miles per household poo. Not sure if that's a day's, a weeks or a month's worth of poo...
  7. Yeah, it only looked like that one. I believe the house number was 1337 or something like that.
  8. I like them unlike most people. But I can't say I'd ever want to buy one, unless they become super cheap. I spotted this porch http://cccgreeley.org/files/Images/Adult%20Ministries/Porch.jpg
  9. You cant mix NA with FI and hybrids, because this is based on engine size, and turbo's/supercharger/electric motors have nothing to do with engine size. Then you have rotories which are a completely different animal.
  10. http://knowyourmeme.com/i/000/064/914/original/40346_460946206653_732991653_6389689_7056347_n.jpg?1281494136
  11. I dont really like Swype. Its cool but I still prefer the stock android keyboard.
  12. http://www.teamspeed.com/forums/garage-forum/44805-newbie-here-my-audi-collections.html Just a taste: http://www.teamspeed.com/forums/attachments/garage-forum/51145d1279423954-newbie-here-my-audi-collections-l10300801.jpg
  13. That's a good looking fence right thur
  14. CRed05


    No one right now, I think all the douchebags that deserved permabans have been banned. There are some people that are maybe border line, but they add flavor to the CR soup.
  15. I see cheap plastic everywhere in the interior. Especially in the center console there, around the GPS all the way down the the gear shift surround. I bet it wont be long before that silver paint comes off and the whitish-yellowy plastic starts showing. Same with the door cards. The dash I bet is a real rubbery feeling plastic. But maybe not. I take it back about calling it ugly, but its not pretty. It's bulbous yet very bland. I really think that you will be disappointed with it, ESPECIALLY since you are looking for a sporty aka fun to drive car. But go test drive different ones, its the only way you will know which ones you like for sure
  16. According to who? A quick google search brings up GT-R, Hyundai Genesis, TDi Jetta... The world car of the year is a VW golf, which is a slightly less nice and smaller A4, both are leaps and bounds above a Camry. There are too many factors that go into choosing car of the year, like cost vs what you get, gas mileage...whatever. Luckily German car resale value falls flat after a few years, so you get a hell of a better car than say a Camry that holds it resale value in the US a lot longer because most people have 0 taste in cars, and believe that Toyota's will last forever and get incredible gas mileage. Now I will admit that I've only seen the new camry's, and have never been inside one. But I will tell you that its an ugly car on the outside, and looking at pictures of the interior it looks just like any other Nissan or Toyota interior...crap. But that's my opinion. Another car I would suggest is an Acura TL (not the brand new ones), but never over a European car, plus its also FWD, just like a Camry, and that's just yucky. But the TL has an interior just as good as any new BMW. EDIT, oh, car of the year 2007.
  17. Please understand that Camry's are crap
  18. True.Story. This is another way to quit, but you'll get arrested. http://www2.nbc4i.com/news/2010/aug/09/4/flight-attendant-flips-out-pulls-chute-ar-185595/
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