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Everything posted by CRed05

  1. lol, I didnt have any of those. I was all about TMNT action figures, micro machines and toy cars.
  2. If you got killed by that BS, you'd be pissed too. Naturally if I killed someone like that I'd be pretty damn pleased with myself, even though that was all luck.
  3. I think you missed the point of this thread...or maybe I did. But I forgot about the GT2, is that basically a lightweight version on the 911 with larger turbos or more boost?
  4. So what OEM parts will you throw on your GTP and what kind of power are we looking at? Same for the 911tt, what OEM parts are upgrades for it?
  5. I didnt realize there was no price limit here Veyron /thread
  6. Seriously? http://www.gtr.co.uk/forum/127250-accident-dont-do-what-i-did.html
  7. CRed05

    MW2 thoughts

    Whatever...I have that 1.5 and climbing ratio cause of my mad skillz. Nobody gets 11 spawn deaths especially with Painkiller. Maybe you should just stick to COD1.
  8. How are you getting it for 60? I'm paying 80. I bet they're screwing me because i have the "G1 Plan"
  9. CRed05

    MW2 thoughts

    Youre just mad that you suck
  10. CRed05


    Not sure what the stock motor can hold, or how available aftermarket internals are for that motor. But I'm sure they are just trying to put a bolt on kit together.
  11. CRed05

    MW2 thoughts

    His name is jovantee blair, he has become mildly famous on the web for being creepy looking. I'll change it soon
  12. CRed05

    MW2 thoughts

    Dude's creepy...i under estimated the creepyness.
  13. shhhiiiiiittttttt, your game's weak son
  14. CRed05

    MW2 thoughts

    Too rich for my blood.
  15. i know its ridiculous. I wont start the argument, but I sure as hell will defend my ps3, lol
  16. Show me a copy of the iphones source code... What about the widgets than you can drag on you're desktop? No desktop? No widgets?
  17. CRed05

    MW2 thoughts

    I havent played it on my brothers xbox yet, so i dont know how the invite system works there, but on other games on ps3 you invite people through the game. With MW2 you send them messages to their PS3 inbox, which they then have to accept. Takes a lot longer than the old way because you have to open the XMB, go to your inbox, hit accept, instead of just getting a popup message in the game. Fuck yea its free...you do realize that were playing the same game, on the same internet and youre paying for yours and im not right? Yeah, I'm the sucker. Shit I could even smooch wireless off my neighbors network if I wanted and play completely free.
  18. I wasnt bashing numbers, I was bashing xbox fanboiz. Either way that PDF proves my point. PS3 failure = 10%, xbox failure =23.7%.
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