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Everything posted by CRed05

  1. This reminded of this...might be a repost but fuggit
  2. I don't mind the first red one, I'd drive it...all the other ones...STAHP.
  3. I don't know what the stock Samsung browser is like, but might want to install Chrome and see if that helps...or Firefox or Dolphin or Opera...see which one works best for you.
  4. For the love of christ, don't install a task manager and leave your RAM alone. RAM is there for a reason, to make your device run faster. Android is very efficient at managing RAM and how it handles apps running in the background.
  5. It's really not that impressive all things considered.
  6. My inner douchebag likes that truck
  7. Agree. I didn't notice the wheel gap until now...:no:
  8. https://www.google.com/shopping/product/120862948181772520?q=motion+detecting+ip+camera&safe=off&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.50165853,d.aWc,pv.xjs.s.en_US.seW1cfrvSKg.O&biw=1011&bih=374&tch=1&ech=1&psi=KHv6UYb2N864yAG6-oHADQ.1375370025249.5&sa=X&ei=OHv6UbfTL-3iyAGCxoDgBg&ved=0CKIBEOUNMAA
  9. Well now we know where John DeLorean got his taillights from...literally looks like an upside down DeLorean
  10. I like the rat rod looking ones. http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7033/6813444791_3dba30bfeb_z.jpg http://splashautomotivemag.com/wp-content/gallery/1975-radio-flyer/wagon1.jpg This one is pretty sweet too, might be the same one Paul posted http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f293/moforeynolds/TysonsWagon/DSC03210w.jpg
  11. Acura front end glued to a jetta rear end. Dash sucks, steering wheel sucks, seats look pretty decent. Overall pretty decent for a Chevy. 6/10 - Would not buy
  12. Be BRZ, get pulled on at mid ohio by poorly running fwd shitbox.
  13. STI to BRZ...to me that's like going from a 911 Turbo to a Boxster, but if it's what you like then congratulations. I like the white.
  14. I went to a Deftones concert in Detroit back when I was 19. Got "hit on" by a nasty ass prostitute while standing in line outside the theater, got hammered, and at one point I remember eating the best pizza i've ever had... Detroit...:fuckyeah:
  15. Now would be the perfect time to hang some decorations. Thanks carpenter bee! (I think that might be a carpenter bee)
  16. It's a 2 part process for HD riders. 1. Rev your set all the fucking time to attract attention. 2. Be sure to not wear a helmet to get recognized. That's one of my favorite episode :lolguy:
  17. How the fuck is everyone supposed to see how cool and badass they are?
  18. Enkei NT03+M in white. I think since you have a black/dark car, go with the white. Looks good, and if I see one more black car with black wheels I'm going to shit.
  19. Hard to beat free...but you can get the Galaxy S3 (4g) for $50 with a 2 year extension.
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