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Everything posted by CRed05

  1. The guys from Ford Racing get to drive it around. It's 1 of 6 in the US and has a Stoptech BBK and a tune, making about 350hp.
  2. oldtittymuscle.com :lolguy:
  3. http://imgs.isidewith.com/results-image/72297714.jpg We can just go ahead and take Romney off that list. Yes, he is a fucking idiot. I don't put myself into a certain group or party. It's whoever I think will be able to do the best job between the 2, and least likely to fuck shit up.
  4. Yeah you need to list every place you lived since you turned 18 (Delware County). The more accurate and complete you are, the faster you'll get your license. If you've lived in many different counties, and/or in smaller counties that have shitty databases, it might also cause a delay. It should say right on the form, go to your county sheriffs website and download the pdf.
  5. Don't come here with your lies. This is America, where you have to pledge allegiance to one of the 2 parties. Once you pledge your allegiance, you have to believe that everything that party does, who they nominate, and what they believe in is true, right and the only way. Look at the facts you say? Use common sense? I don't need any of that, I just grab my bible, my gun and always vote Republican. SEAHORSES. FOREVER.
  6. It's a nice tablet. I just saw that they have that thing overclocked at 2ghz...on a quad core tablet, that's impressive for a $200 tablet. Only reason I don't have one is because if I were to buy a tablet, it needs to have a bigger screen.
  7. http://www.jegs.com/i/GoPro-HD-Cameras/993/CHDMH-002/10002/-1?parentProductId=1297008 :whistle:
  8. It was spearheaded and signed by Bush Sr... http://www.ustr.gov/sites/default/files/NAFTA-Myth-versus-Fact.pdf
  9. Obviously not that butthurt that I had to go buy a shirt about it. That's a feel I do not know.
  10. Where did you take your class? I just went through mine on Sunday. Need to call that them there sheriff today to make an appointment.
  11. And you're afraid of this?! Talk about getting all bent out of shape over nothing. This has been taken out of context and summarized, but just skimming through it, it sounds a lot like things that would be put forth during a state of emergency. To protect citizens, because believe it or not, Mr Jesus won't magically relocate you if a big natural disaster happens, or make sure that something doesn't go wrong at a nuclear power plant, like what happened in Japan. Strangely, it's always the ones that can't afford or don't have healthcare that are so anti-healthcare. They are also the ones who cry and bitch first when "the guvment didn't do nothin when the hurcane blew my trailer away". Yup...should have known.
  12. Yup. Only stopping to quench our thirst with PBR and then posting pictures of the can next to a bare brick wall on facebook via instagram with our iphones.
  13. None of those, but good guess. Now go out there and be somebody!
  14. That should go nicely with your magic underwear. Perhaps drive around with a dog strapped to your car roof for extra effect?
  15. +1 Also planning on going to Ultra Music Fest in Florida next year.
  16. YOU'VE CHANGED BRO! It's not too late to switch back. Remember when you used to have a job and used PC products? Now you're all "unemployed" and "iphone owner", drinking fucking latte's and shit.
  17. CRed05

    NYC Shooting

    Not sure if serious http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/chi-shootings-chicago-violence-august-23-august-24-violence-gunfire-20120823,0,49779.story
  18. CRed05

    NYC Shooting

  19. http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/383/180/691.jpg http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/382/478/0b7.jpg http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/383/073/dc0.png http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/382/889/ef7.jpg http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/382/538/5f7.png
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