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Everything posted by CRed05

  1. http://media1.teenormous.com/items/ih1.redbubble.net/image.11685045.7863-fc-550x550-black.jpg
  2. http://jon-olsson.com/?p=9632 http://jon-olsson.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/950_DSC5887-Redigera-copy1.jpg http://jon-olsson.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/950crop_DSC3958-Redigera1.jpg http://jon-olsson.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/interiour-audi-r8-new-jon-olsson_DSC6048.jpg :megusta::megusta::megusta::megusta::megusta: http://ragecollection.com/img/ragefaces/fap.png
  3. I wanted to open a Tilted Kilt in Columbus way before the one here opened. You needed like $1m and previous experience so that was that... Open up a Dickey's.There was one in Delaware, great place but it was staffed by a bunch of fools. With a good staff and management, I think one would do well in Cbus, not sure about NC. http://www.franchisedirect.com/directory/dickeysbarbecuepit/5597/
  4. I kind of like it. Roof line is a little too high and the wheels are too big. It's a concept so I'm sure it will get tamed down a bit, which in this case would be a good thing. IRS...it's about time.
  5. No more Escalade EXT? Now how is GM going to make money off people when they don't have to get the suspension and random electronics fixed bi-weekly? Junk
  6. Not sure if supra, or bouncy ball
  7. GAIZ...BEETLE or 350ZED? http://i.imgur.com/O92Fx.jpg
  8. There's no way you can see what's on the center cap. That could be a T or an L
  9. Must be the older ones then cause they are identical. 2003 Lexus http://coolnewcar.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/2003-Lexus-GX470-Side-Picture.jpg 2003 Toyota http://trialx.com/curetalk/wp-content/blogs.dir/7/files/2011/06/cars/2003_Toyota_Land_Cruiser-3.jpg
  10. Why can't it be a land cruiser? Do you see a window sticker or something? Since price is the only difference between a Lexus and a Toyota. Lexus :dumb:
  11. http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/5093590_460s.jpg http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/5105383_460s.jpg http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/5112581_460s.jpg
  12. OMG THEY HAVE DODGE CHARGERS THEY BE BALLIN OUTTA CONTROL http://farm2.staticflickr.com/1008/603715216_f309b31d70.jpg http://www.autospies.com/images/users/BMW530i/9dd600be2b96df3c20af856ab6.jpg http://lh4.ggpht.com/conceptscars/Ry2mJntIePI/AAAAAAAAAZc/_OrKF5r3aJo/s800/Austria+Porsche+911.jpg
  13. Looks good! Another .5-1" drop with some window tint and it will be perfect IMO
  14. I think he means maybe there is something on there that will prove that it WASN'T him...but innocent until proven guilty so it doesn't matter. I think the fact that Caleb signed off on the car makes it a pretty much done deal right there.
  15. If you honestly think your testosterone is low, go see a doctor. I have a friend who's 6 years younger than you and he just found out he was low. Reason he went to the doctor was for being tired all the damn time.
  16. I never watch it. When I first got it I watched 1 movie, and played 3D PS3 games for a bit, GT5 in 3D is pretty cool...but then I just stopped. Never really think about it. I did watch some of the Olympics in 3d. There are some cool programs on the directv 3d channels, I just sort of forget that I have 3d, and putting on glasses can be too much of an effort. firstworldproblems.
  17. http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/527154_10150972578365951_1238969958_n.jpg
  18. He's has said some weird shit, but it it's usually taken WAY out of context. Like this whole "chains" thing recently. Come on... I don't think I even need to bring up some of Bush's silly shit, everyone is well aware. Biden doesn't even compare. Everyone says dumb shit sometimes, Mr Magic Space Pants over here had that whole "Who let the dogs out" moment :dumb:
  19. Now there's a guy whose education needed to be second guessed.
  20. That's impossible. It was Obama's plan and he's a non-American Muslim communist that didn't graduate high school. How could this possibly be the case? HE WANTS TO TAKE YOUR BEAR ARMS!!!!
  21. He said he wanted 4x4, not a girl's car.
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