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Posts posted by progrmr

  1. Its crazy whenever I tell someone I had a ZX7 and crashed it they tell me their buddy(s) had a kawi and crashed it.

    Its like - it delivers so much power that it can provide such a sense of security that its got you fooled! :)

  2. jesus tap-dancin'-christ dude! Fuck that looks worse than I thought! Damn dude - I hope you heal up good. I'm glad you're doing ok - I know that riding is dangerous and I keep myself from going too fast (thank you Sept 02 2007 crash on 377!!!) but wow I am really glad it wasn't worse. Count your blessing's bro - grow from this experience. You have a lot of friends here that know you a lot better than me (I've never met ya) but I think I speak for most that see your pics; you're pretty lucky! I'd like to see you ride but I doubt I could come close to keeping up with you!!

    ** Drunk and rockin' to W.A.S.P. The Last Command ** :)

  3. yet another reason to own an un-sexy 250 that no one would even want to steal! :)

    Seriously I know your pain. I had a '96 Katana 750 stolen from me after just 1 month of ownership. Never got it back - lost my trade-in ($1500), down payment ($500) and I still had to pay the freakin' insurance company $500!! total loss to me: $2500 and I had no bike.

    Special can of whoop-ass for this thief if they're caught!

  4. Unfortunately not much. I'm surprised he didn't learn after going down a few times already.

    Hopefully he'll figure it out before sonething bad happens. Every chance you get keep trying to talk sense to him, set a good example and the rest is up to him.

  5. Park bike in driveway - put kickstand down - walk away - hear crunch

    I guess the slope of the driveway was just enough to move the weight forward on the stand. 2003 EX500 - didn't punch the stalks through the fairing though - that part fell in the grass and didn't break. Still scratched up the tank/fairing pretty good though.

    I felt like a total chode. lol!

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