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kawi kid

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Everything posted by kawi kid

  1. I started to read this book not to long ago and I have to say its pretty freaking good. Its the first of a 3 book series of a zombie apocalypse scenario. THIS IS GUN PORN AT ITS FINEST!! The author George Hill is part of crusader weaponry ( http://www.crusaderweaponry.com/ ) and is a gun nut just like all of us. He also a huge movie gun buff. Prop directors have come to him and asked him to pick out specific guns for specific characters for different movies and shows in order to help bring a more realistic aspect to the character. Here is his website http://madogre.com/?p=1551 And here is a link to the book at Amazon http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1618080156/ref=redir_mdp_mobile I have found not to read it before bed cuz it will get your mind going pretty good and it's hard to sleep lol.
  2. The media can make anyone a bad person. I talked to someone last night that knew him and they said he wasn't a crazy asshole the media is making him out to be. Yeah he did some sketchy shit but over all he was a nice guy.
  3. If I give you 375 for it then you can pretty much buy that xdm with little out of pocket. :)

  4. Ahahahahahaha I love it!!!! I hold a very special hate for my x lol
  5. kawi kid

    XDM Bitone

    Sell it to me for the cheap.....
  6. And Jack Hanna says shot away lololol
  7. Might have wanted to make it look like foul play instead of suicide.
  8. If your Grandpa was a rocket scientists wtf happened to you!?!?
  9. Well the way I look at is if you come in my house a body bag is gonna be required.... for you or me that will be to decided.... but either way someone is leaving in it. All I can say is I pitty you cuz shit is gonna get morbid.
  10. My favorite commercial is the one against issue 2 that has a man calling 911 because somebody broke into his house and the dispatcher says it will be 15 to 20 min before anyone can respond. Everytome I hear it I can't help myself and I yell at the radio shoot him!!!! Damnit how about a little self reliability? If that is the answer I get when I call 911 ill tell them to skip sending law enforcement and just go straight to the medical squad and coroner.
  11. They are smart and also a predator... thrill of he hunt. I would be honored to be able to take one. Lol
  12. Have there been cuts in pay or benefits made already? Or are they just telling you that if it passes there will be? I'm asking out of seriousness and not being s dick, I really want to know.
  13. Why do you feel this way?
  14. That means it's hers right? Mount that shit!
  15. To rhe guy that went to school and dont wanna work for free with a shitty retirement....Sounds like you are in the sane boat as the people that work in the private sector now...
  16. I didn't know they were shooting them in the cages?
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