Went to the range tonight by myself. Took the glock, of course I made sure she wasn't calling for reinforcements with my fisrt shot then finished her off with a few strings of five. After I was satisfied with he death I focused on her mutt. I was pretty happy tonight I got pissed off for a bit while working on my draw to a double tap. My first shot always was a little low but my second was good. Realized I was slapping at it a bit and slowed down just a little to tighten them up into a four inch circle. My biggest issue with shooting pistols has always been my grip. I have been working a lot lately on it and trigger control. Ill dryfire at night until my hand hurts. (No joke ask my wife) My advice to anyone having trouble grouping.with a pistol is take an empty casing sit it on the top of your slide and dryfire making sure the casing doesn't fall. After that try to focus on your sight picture while dry firing. Like I said it's helped me tremendously to start looking like a pistol shooter.