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Everything posted by saidin270

  1. I live out on the eastside of cincy but in Milford. Let me know whenever you want to ride.
  2. Hey guys I need your help. I just heard of a company that is new to me called Miline. The company i guess is based in Spain and hand sews the jackets. I found them through Competition Accessories and I was wondering if anyone else has heard of them? They have two nice jackets for about half off I just dont want to buy from a company Ive never heard of and the quality be shit. If anyone has ever heard of them and has bought their products are the jackets nice? How does it fit and does it have adequate armor? Sorry for the long post I just really like the jackets and it seems like a good deal. Check them out at www.compacc.com. Thanks for any info you guys have.
  3. Hey guys thanks for the "welcomes". I live out in the milford area, noticed a few of you live out in the surrounding areas. Let me know when ever you guys wanna ride. Theres some nice roads out farther east in the country where I use to live.
  4. Hey everyone im ryan and new to the forums. live out on the eastside of cincy. itchin to ride due to the nice weather. anyone ever wants to ride pm me.
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