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Everything posted by juicedgxxr

  1. Thanks guys....yeah i went to EPC and craig took care of me...now just gotta set up a day to back to the dyno in columbus....i was gonna take the hugger off, it doesnt serve any purpose anymore...thanks for the comments guys....
  2. Just wanted to see the response i get from you guys...got flamed hard on this other forum im on..... http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h227/mgrussell/IMG_0933.jpg http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h227/mgrussell/IMG_0935.jpg http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h227/mgrussell/IMG_0931.jpg
  3. ur definately not wrong.....kids these days have very little respect...too many dumbass people breeding.....
  4. lol...thats actually not my bike..ill be posting up pics when i get it back fom the shop...
  5. cant wait to get my bike back....even though it was a lil cold today it would have been nice to have the bike....
  6. Hey guys, just wondering whether you would recommend a one or two piece suit for the drag strip? im currently lookin at the octane one piece from a-star. any info is appreciated
  7. i hear scottsdale kicks ass..i have a few friends from phoenix and they regret moving to OH.....i was lookin at moving there myslef
  8. thats great...i think ill try it with a chute first....that dude is crazy
  9. great vid...ive seen that before but it never gets old
  10. cant really tell if its her or not....oh well...ive seen worse parenting
  11. Thats messed up....people are sick these days
  12. By real riding u mean??? im not one of the guys that sits in the oregon district all night, to me that seems pretty pointless...were usually on the highway or trying to get lost for a few hours.....
  13. right now im in west carrollton but me and my g/f are lookin at buyin a house in centerville or springboro.....the guys i ride with normally go downtown dayton or the boneyard on 3rd street to race...damn good times
  14. yep...same guy..i joined right after u mentioned this site...lovin it so far..
  15. Just wanted to say hey to everyone..new to the site....if anyone rides down in the dayton area im sure ill see ya around....
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