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Posts posted by Earache

  1. I would be in if you could find a way to stay in the black hills area for a whole day The ride there and back is a good pace but I have been there before and you are making a big mistake if you do not spend at least a whole day exploring the area and running the back roads.



    I mentioned a few posts back we could do two groups, the 4 day group and a 5-6 day group. Just split up on day 3.  I created a new group in the OP for those interested in a longer trip. I suspect there will be no problem getting a few peeps to do that. I in fact might go that way, we shall see. Also add Connie 14 to the interested list.




    I'll stay in the area an extra day if needed - no problem at all for me. I also may split off from the return group on the way back for a stop in northern Iowa to see some relatives for a bit. Not an overnight stop - just an hour or so.


    But, if anyone wants to stay another day or two in the Deadwood area, I'm game for doing so.

  2. I got family there that can give us a heads up also, he rides so he knows what we would be looking for.  So you think we should go up 294 and grab 90 and go through Madison Wi and across? I was staying on 80, and going over to Iowa City on 80 and up 380 then cut over to 90 that way.  Same time and miles and no Chicago.  Maybe we should do one way out there and one way back.

    Either way is fine by me - makes no difference whatsoever. But I gotta make a stop at the Mars Cheese Castle if we go into Wisconsin for some Kringle. The place is a shithole  but makes great Kringle.




    A long weekend is good for me.....

    Same here, but I have loads of time  to spend doing whatever. Might just play it by ear and hope for nice, warm weather. If it's good, I'll ride longer. Might even hit Aerostich on the way back (in Duluth).

  3. Yea, I thought 30 might be busy. Oh well, at least IP had a few hours of thinking he wasn't going through Gary and South Chicago.


    The toll plaza I have in mind is in Indiana, just before Gary. Then it's only 55 miles to get past Joliet and out of it.      http://goo.gl/maps/Ig8i4

    My old office was in Glenview, IL (north side of Chicago) and I drove up there 1-2 times per week for about 20 years Basically running the full length of the Tri-State each time. If there is no construction and it's not rush hour, it moves really well and quite fast. 

    I still go up there a lot to see friends and can do a pre-run a week or two before we set off to recon.

  4. I am totally in favor of avoiding Chicago, and yea Gary is a nightmare.  I have us staying on 80 to avoid most of it and time our gas right so we don't have to stop in Gary/Chicago. There is a turnpike plaza right where 80 and 94 intersect where I planned to gas up and lock up the guns


    The other option I see on the map would be to swing south around Valparaiso then across 30 back to 80 over by Joliet. Not back roads but a split of limited access 4 lane/highway. Looks to be pretty open and not congested.   The link below changes the first day from 1,063 mi, 15 hours 25 mins to  1,070 mi, 16 hours 2 mins. So an extra 30 minutes for a change of pace and no Chicago/Gary might be worth it.



    30 is congested as shit, passes every shopping center and chain restaurant known to man until you get west of I-57. Joliet sucks to drive though as well.

    The Tri_State (294) isn't that bad at all, especially if you have a toll reader (I-Pass, etc), then there will be no stopping at all on the weekends and outside of rush hours. Can't say now what construction will be like on the Tri State next summer, but if they have lane restrictions, it's best to stay off of it completely.


    The turnpike plaza you refer to is the Lincoln Oasis, just across the Illinois / Indiana line , immediately after the 94 turn off.


    There generally isn't much west bound traffic at all on I-80 west of the Tri State - mostly just trucks. And nothing but cornfields west of Joliet.

  5. I'm in. Although I'll just meet up with the group someplace on the road as my starting point is in Indianapolis - roughly 325 miles from the proposed starting point.

    My route would be Indy to Davenport and then west to the end point. Might have to add about 100 miles plus / minus to make an even 1000 miles, but that's easily done.

  6. ..... Rules of engagement need to be set up and participants need to understand them.

    All ya really need is a start and stop point with times of the start and a last time to finish (24 hours later obviously). People can ride in pairs if they like or alone if they like.


    It'd be fun, like Tonik said, to finish someplace cool like Mount Rushmore area or some other location that has some sort of destination at the end.


    Track idea sounds good too - but someone would prolly crash during the event. It'd be awfully boring if you didn't try to go faster at some point. Plus, all of the turns would really burn your body out pretty fast.

  7. .... I would be envisioning a 3-4 day trip, with two shots at the 1000 mile day.  The thought would be to set out really early on a Thursday morning and get the 1000 in, then sleep 200-250 miles outside of Rushmore.  Ride there the next morning and spend the day hanging out in the area before making my way back to the hotel, and riding another 1,000 home the next day; possibly making a stop for another night if the 1000 has already been achieved, and there is something worth seeing halfway between here and South Dakota...



    Since there isn't shit 250 outside of Rushmore, we could meet up in Indianapolis on a Wednesday night - get 4-5 FREE hotel rooms from the wife - and then we all head to Rapid City on Thursday morning. It's right at 1070 miles from Indy. Fart around in Deadwood / Strugis / Rushmore / Balck Hills for a day and then head back.

    I'd like to check out Custer Hill - been past it but  never stopped.

    And if anyone wants to hit up Devil's Tower - it's only about 75 miles from Deadwood.

  8. Yea, lets try and work this out. What you are describing is pretty much exactly what I had in mind.  4 days, hammer day one and get close. Day 2 hit the monument, some of the cool roads in that area, maybe drive through Sturgis so we can say we saw it while missing the nightmare of 500k drunk bikers. 800 or so day three, then an easy hop the last day.



    Deadwood is a kinda cool place to stay, lots of cool bars and hotels in the area.

    Rushmore is a bit of a snoozefest. Once you've seen it for 10 seconds, you're kinda over it. Don't think you'd spend much time staring at it.

    Still, pretty good destination.

  9. i have been wanting to do one for a long time, but just never committed to it yet.  maybe this will be the year.

    maybe talk someone else in to doing it with me lol

    Say when and where -I'll do it.

    As a matter of fact, why not do an OR Iron Butt Certification Ride and have it open to all that wanna do. Be cool for 7-8 of us to do it all at once.

  10. I've done many 1,000 mile days in under 24 hours - but never did the IBA documentation crap. Need to do it once just to say I did.


    2-3 times each summer I ride out to Utah and usually do Indy to Denver in one go - right around 1,100 miles. With time changes, it's just easier for me to do it heading west rather than coming back east. Just seems easier to me.


    I did Ouray, CO to Indy once, non stop but it took over 24 hours and I did it mostly by accident as I could find any hotels anywhere. IT hurt for a few days after that and I'd not do it again. It was around 1,300 miles and my longest non stop ride. Took me around 32 hours. The last 150 miles I bet I stopped at each exit as I was so tired and burnt from riding.


    The hard part, for me anyway, isn't the seat you're on but rather the mental alertness. With 1K miles in 24 hours, you'll have time to stop and sleep a bit If you average 65 mph moving miles per hour, you'll have time for 6-7 hours of sleep in there with no problem. If you do all freeway, I'd plan a 5 hour stop someplace to sleep and then continue on afterwards. It's really pretty easy to do.

  11. .... Also, it can no way house all of OhioRiders. If as many show this year as last, they're won't be enough rooms....



    They only have about 15 rooms and only one of those has more than 2 beds in it. No way the Crisps would put up with any noise after dark , either.


    I'm in and will stay in Alcoa at a hotel like I did last year. But will be there bright and early for riding.

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