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Everything posted by kwiklx

  1. I also do paint work on the side pm if interested
  2. kwiklx


    Sold to 87gt.....thanks lock it down
  3. Sold for asking price.....lock it up thanks
  4. Here is when it was bought http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff112/kwiklx/IMAG0364.jpg
  5. kwiklx


    Here is a few pics Looked up the scope its a bushnell sportsman 4x-12x40...#72-0412 http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff112/kwiklx/IMAG0360.jpg http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff112/kwiklx/IMAG0361.jpg http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff112/kwiklx/IMAG0363.jpg
  6. I wont sell it for $150 the thing looks like new The cheapest I see it any where is $299 without the lazer http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff112/kwiklx/IMAG0357.jpg http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff112/kwiklx/IMAG0359.jpg
  7. kwiklx


    Amanda is down near lancaster...i work on the westside near wilson rd
  8. kwiklx


    Yeah the trigger is silver and forgot it has a bushnell scope
  9. Ive never seen them that cheap new..this one also has the red dot lazer make a offer
  10. kwiklx


    Im not sure is there a easy way to tell?
  11. kwiklx


    Savage hmr .17 Black syn stock Bushnell scope Nice gun just have no time to shoot $225 Can email pics
  12. S&w sigma 9mm I bought it off a friend that needed some cash just tryin to get my money back $250 Can email pics
  13. kwiklx


    any pics of the 380?
  14. get on craigslist i bought one of my boys a dk on there for $125 looked like new and my other son bought his haro on the for $80 was a little scratch up but its what he wanted
  15. ohio valley has some but also has a 1 box limit
  16. any intrest in a rossi 410 youth model was my sons but he has outgrown it also have some shells for it. asking $75
  17. check on http://www.gunlistings.org there are a few places around lancaster that do it
  18. pm me your best cash price on it...not tryin to low ball you but they droped the prices on the 770 models to 349.00 new
  19. pm me your number i have a friend who is interested in it
  20. do you still have this? if so pm me your number
  21. still have these? lets see some pics
  22. try to get ahold of mr tbolt on here he lives in carrol
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