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Posts posted by cbrjess0815

  1. Well its pretty controversial so it warrants its own thread anyway...

    Does this mean prices might go down on the regular trackdays potentionally?? Or does it make it harder? There might not even be trackdays for normal riders next season... it could be going straightup country club style

  2. damn you brandon, you didnt even have a sticker on that bitch! lol

    i remember that year, you were so pumped about the race railz. and now after your crash, mongers, and chris's we have plenty of proof the race railz work wonders on the track. they still dont make them for bike i dont think

    disclaimer: this does not mean assfault junkies crash all the time. it means we go super fast and learn our limits the best we know how: cross them. and spend lots o money to NOT demolish our bike entirely when we do it. preventative parts go far

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