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Everything posted by cbrjess0815

  1. i have heard some uncertan heresay about this as well..
  2. damn you brandon, you didnt even have a sticker on that bitch! lol i remember that year, you were so pumped about the race railz. and now after your crash, mongers, and chris's we have plenty of proof the race railz work wonders on the track. they still dont make them for bike i dont think disclaimer: this does not mean assfault junkies crash all the time. it means we go super fast and learn our limits the best we know how: cross them. and spend lots o money to NOT demolish our bike entirely when we do it. preventative parts go far
  3. i dunno, it wasnt the night before last.. you gotta get on midohio.com to sign up
  4. missed this earlier.. glad you are ok and back with us MJ!!!
  5. Where did this pic come from?? I know that house. and that bike
  6. Haha that shirts awesome. I'll take the guy wearing it too
  7. We're having another junkie bike night!!! Come down and say HI!!! Everone will be there around 5-6!!!!!
  8. Lolz thats funny. This weekend is gonna be great
  9. cbrjess0815

    Dark Blue

    Anybody else watch this show? Its on TNT every wednesday and ive been tivo-ing it and finally sat down and watched like 3 episodes. its pretty badass!! I dont know how long the storyline can last but i am definitely hooked on it now!!
  10. did she ever show up to meet everyone like she was ranting about friday?
  11. i know, but i have no use them in the duration of the 6 months lol...gotta save my money for the kawi anyways
  12. ah, did i mention i rent from my parents? for next to nothing? so all home improvements are myresponsibility in the lack of high rent. however im starting to see the flaw in this plan as this house is 200 years old...
  13. Where there is good news, there's bound to be worse news. I thought my laptop finally just died last week because it wouldnt turn on. Well, last night my tv did the same thing. I'm thinkin 'no way can i have this many electrical failures ini one week!' I was right. the tv and the laptop(and all my lamps clocks and vacuum ckeaner) are perfectly fine. My damn apartment has to be rewired because everything is so old it finally shorted out all the outlets! Like serious fire hazard and all!! FML!! at least i didnt die. thats what im telling myself anyway
  14. i would totally tirehawk these if i wasnt leaving for six months...
  15. I'm sure he will get one tomoro!
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