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Everything posted by cbrjess0815

  1. well we've all already shared a bed right? i see no problems there.. lmao ftr to the tightwads: i am just kidding, dont get your panties in a bunch over a bunch of heresay, its not a cry for attention, just JOKING.. ya know, jokes, they are funny-haha but not real
  2. Yea ill take that one. Jarvis and e can fight over the other two
  3. I'll be at mid ohio for the LED on Aug 22nd and I am fairly certain I'm done for the season after that...
  4. lol what can i say? i might prefer to remain a brunette myself but my preference in others can be totally different! but no, they were all pretty hott, and cool for that matter.. I talked to them for a lil while on saturday
  5. for the record, the blonde was the only one i thought was hott..
  6. This can also be the beginning of the Gingerman picture thread too but for now this is all i got
  7. ok but i am making a new thread for that one theses are too good, uploading now
  8. Hold on i gotta go dig it out
  9. I still have the ducati girls disc in the truck
  10. Oh he was ok he should have just stolen them back from me! you sure as hell did!
  11. I might have kicked you a couple time Jarvis.. but i think thats it. i was more preoccupied with stealing the covers from both of you!
  12. Omg i spit my monster and now im crying
  13. Welcome to the site.. I live on the west side but always on the east side!!!
  14. LOL, just keep in mind I am a ding dong. So how was that drive home??? what tkime did you guys end up getting in? It sucks you got bumped up as soon as I quit yesterday.. I saw your pics in novice in the trailer and your form looked great on the gsxr. You should have started in I...
  15. So, the weekend went awesome! Jarvis did fantastic! Even though he had to start his first trackday saturday morning in the pouring rain. Which is funny cuz he went out while it was raining while me and E hung out under the easyup saying eff that!!! eflores kicked some ass in advanced and had fun playing with some of his dream ducatis and I had a blast blowing through intermediate! Towards the end of the day yesterday I really started getting alot faster with some great advice from E and felt alot more confident.. Friday night camping in monsoons is not so much fun by the way.. Michigan has sopme crazy freaking weather!! I know we had a few close calls when the weather got better, i had an almost highside in 3 and almost asspacked someone in 7 but other than that I had a disaster-less day! E almost ran someone over who highsided right in front of him and a few other fun occurences out there! Overall I'd say it was good weekend. Some crazy weather to work thru but definitely an awesome time! Thanks to eflores and jarvis for being kickass track partners!!!
  16. well that was an amazing weekend. im sure E will post his pics soon and we will all have a re cap of the crazy ass adventure that we had after we all get some much needed sleep!!
  17. Thats awesome!! everyone at work enjoyed too!!
  18. daughtry -- no surprise... accurately describing the way i feel about a lot of things in my life right now.. love it, but my coworkers are pretty tired of it
  19. Well, I think that motorcycles ARE my balance. I mean they pretty much saved me from a lot of bad decisions I was making in my past. And I dont have any commitments to anybody right now(nor anytime in the future) so my life at the moment consists of doing what I want and that just happens to be riding at the track. After Mid Ohio I am probably done for the season though because I have get ready for this whole new life chapter army fun so I am getting in as much riding time as i can because its not going to last. When I get back who knows how things end up but I am sure it will involve racing next season as long as i dont get deployed. But thats way ahead in the future. right now the track is what i want to do so im doing it..
  20. ugh, you're right Justin... some of those cars are awesome.
  21. Wow, i got negative rep for being stoked for going to the track.. I guess rep has to be anonymous, thats the only way the shit talkers that probably have never been to the track can make themselves feel better about how "cool" they are Its all good.. I could care less, i'm gonna go ride!!! There's nothing better!!!
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