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Everything posted by cbrjess0815

  1. i saw that!! lol now its my turn
  2. http://www.dreamit-doit.com/content/toolkit/quiz.php whats your dream job?? The quiz told me I should have one of these jobs: A hands-on job is most likely to be your dream career. You're the kind who loves working with your hands. As a kid, we're betting you took apart more than your share of stuff just to see how it worked. (Whether you could get it back together again is another story.) There's just something about creating things out of raw materials, and when your friends need something built or fixed, you're the one they call. Ever think you might end up building cancer eliminating lasers? Or maybe something bigger - like the landing gear for the space shuttle? Whatever it is you end up doing, we'll know we're in good hands Hands-On + Cars Production Supervisor, bulletproof windshield manufacturer Engineer, hydraulic suspension manufacturer Industrial engineer, health and safety, speedboat manufacturer Tool and Die Maker, classic car reproduction parts company Metal Fabricator, aftermarket body panel maker
  3. This may provide some entertainment for anyone as bored as me... lol http://fantasticcontraption.com/ its addicting
  4. i must be bad luck! it only happens when i come up there lol
  5. lol i should be able to last way longer than that! I lived with a gay cheerleader for months!!! Cant be that different than a gay pirate
  6. I am not sure how you would get back though cuz I may stay in cbus that night..
  7. and i just got my bike back together too but dont even wanna take it for a test ride cuz its freezing!
  9. oh my gosh... that is just insane!
  10. LOL I assumed it was something like that....
  11. @ little flavored weenies I'll grab something when I actually get up there..
  12. stupid enough, we didn;t take any. I wish someone would have taken one of me as a paasenger.. it had to funny looking with both of us in leathers
  13. ok... here is the skinny on camping. roughly 10 bucks per person for friday and saturday night at lieber state recreational park. Directions are easy, go east on 70 to exit 37, head south(left) for about 3 miles and the entrance is on the left. There are no reservations this time of the year so its first come first serve. Depending one who leaves where when, whoever gets there forst needs to put the site under the name the Junkies. That way everyone will know what to ask for as we filter in. Cell phone reception kinda sucked out there so everybody needs to print this out and keep it!!!! PM me if anyone has any questions that is going on here...
  14. Its alot easier further into the summer when we get to start riding earlier. Then we can go back up 22 instead of heading up 17... Getting the late start sucks when you have a bunch of shit to do... sooooon you will see some REALLY good roads like 539 and 165() and all kinds of good ones!! Glad your buddy was alright, he took it like a champ! Cant wait to see you guys again!
  15. that blows. people are idios in cages... i tried to beat the shit out of one chick in traffic on 75 one time because she was following too close in stop and go traffic and bumped me, even AFTER I'd turned around and motioned for her to back off. She knocked me over and I got up and walked to her window and starting punching her window and screamng at her to get the eff out of the car but she locked her doors. some truck driver came and helped me pick my bike up(no damage thank god) I couldn't call the cops though because I didn't have my endorsement and I was on a highway. Guess its a good thing she wouldnt get out of the car lol
  16. Welcome to the site!! GL with the build!
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