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Everything posted by cbrjess0815

  1. poke her face by that crazy looking bitch that likes to wear bubbles
  2. this thread is cracking me up... its has no use at all
  3. Im out!! Yay! Good times deywho
  4. thats right!!! its only took half a year
  5. that sounds super tasty.. i cant believe i passed a 1000 posts finally
  6. this is more like it!! now its turning into a party!! woot! LOL
  7. lol more than likely...
  8. I only have 40 minutes left thank goodness
  10. you're not kidding.. especially all the hassle I went through trying to get the truck fixed
  11. i know but its florida so its a damn good possibility. i'll keep watchin it but if there is even a chance, the guys said they aren't going
  12. I still haven't eaten and I'm about to cry... I think its gonna be raining the entire weekend I wanted to go to Jennings. All this stress and planning and aggravation and fighting all of it for nothing I'm seriously super bummed now...
  13. How is your tire inventory right now?
  14. I think you made the funny...
  15. NOPE. I had a rule where if I didn't know how to say something I wasn't eat it. LOL. still haven't ate one
  16. That does sound good... Whities is right up the street too
  17. AND CHICKEN FINGERS SONOFABITCH now I don't know if I should go get something or just wait til I get off work..
  18. I'm starving... and the assholes that I work with failed to mention they were going to Sonic
  19. RED ALREADY OVER Cause this time I'm right to move on and on, far away from here Got nothing against you and surely I'll miss you
  20. I have never in my life had lamb..
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