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Everything posted by cbrjess0815

  1. haha! you look like me! I have the white a stars 2 pc! Come on summer!
  2. as if you really have to ask.. its on like donkey kong! woot!
  3. Well they are not giving a reason for taking the children and they still have to go to court but IF the parents are crazy then it may be a good thing for the kids. Only time will tell but I'd hate to see the kids raised in a life of hatred and discrimination because their parents are nazis.. If they aren't crazy and doing something seriously wrong and are just really weird then the kids wil most likely turn out that way as well. Either way its a shame for those kids.
  4. Whoa where is that?? (lol @ the double post. not sure what the hell I did there)
  5. http://www.cnsnews.com/public/conten...x?RsrcID=41946 Government-1, dumbass parents- 0
  6. I've seen that and if it's real thats badass!
  7. sweet.. i finally noticed I'm getting emails(I missed the email thread you posted lol)
  8. Haha I love all two wheels.. just Honda a lil more than anything else
  9. awww... The golden looks like my dog when I was growing up! I just found a bunch of old pics of him in the snow when I was really little. So cute!
  10. I am starting to think we arent gonna get it.. Its all north of my side of town! I have woke up the past two days expecting a blizzard and we haven't got shit!
  11. Whoa.. ew.. Have fun with that! If you get around to it, let us know how that goes! LOL
  12. thanks! I appreciate that alot. I will keep in touch and figure out what I'm doing then!
  13. Holy shit!!! That's so F'ed up! I cant believe she just picked up the skin and put it back and just sent him home! Seriously, that's so wrong
  14. I would hate to be the parent of the girls in that situation.. They'll never live down the porn star status throughout high school will be on lockdown all the time.. as the saying goes, boys will be boys and if they get the charges dropped they wont have any problems at all.. Its a typical situation but most like the parents will be able to get everything dropped to misdemeanors or something along those lines..
  15. They were talking about it on the radio a few weeks ago. It's definitely out of control. My coworker is going through this too cuz he found half naked pics of his 12 year old son's girlfriend on the kid's phone and wants to take his phone away B/c he doesnt think the kid needs it. However his ex wont take it away b/c she thinks he does need it 'in case something happens'. The only way parents could even try to control this situation is to take the phones away but thats apparently too hard for them to accept. Teenagers are hormonal and crazy and arent gonna see a problem with this behavior so the charges are definitely overboard. Its a parenting issue, not a freaking legal problem! I sure as hell didnt really need my own cell phone til I was driving.. 14/15 years old is ridiculous
  16. I would like to go but I would need to get some sleeping and ride arrangements figured out.. Anybody gonna have any extra space for me??
  17. LOL.. How do I do that?? and i just checked it still wont work for me ... edit: OK, it works again
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