Columbus racings tire hook up. Used to work at ntb downtown now ru s a tire discounters and has been hooking up cr forbyears. Check the vendor section for revieww .
Edit I see he posted below. He will take care of you
Derek ftw
I'm sure but rather had a new gun vs a used gun with 1k of rounds through it that was 100 bucks more
Gun felt nice and its inexpensive enough that its ok to get rid of in a few months.
still thinking on it brotaco
how so? yeah there have been some offers thrown out... maybe im not interested in what they were offering.. maybe its more then i want to spend? this is a for sale section :gtfo:
My best friend was a fire fighter and paramedic in Oregon. .moved to ohio and had retake the firefighter for ohio and it still took Him over a year to find a job at a fire house. He loves it though
Post what you got looking for a gun to carry lookingg to spend 300 and under( gun to hold me over till i can get something spiffy). Dont clutter this area up with bs thanks
cash in hand