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Everything posted by SRTurbo04

  1. link? yes but looking for a permanent option
  2. Random what would be the cheapest easiet way to get netflix in the bed room? I know it can be used on the gaming consoles, blue ray players, and computers. Are there any other cheaper ways to go this route? I hate to go buy a blue ray player JUST so i can use netflix up stairs. This will ONLY be used for netflix nothing else
  3. All video gamers are smiling laughing....some people....mostly girls are rolling there eyes and saying ugh nerds hahah http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/s480x480/18994_160463414101021_2101355092_n.jpg
  4. god i hate douche bags that ruin it for others
  5. Pelet or bb gun lol or a net and catch it. Quit being a girl
  6. indefense you never drive the turd anyways :lolguy:
  7. once you de rice the crap out of it, shouldnt be too bad. so are you gonna make this the race car and just enjoy the other car orrrr are you going full potatoe and building both?
  8. I wish the neon was around still so I could get in on this pile of fail.... Just for old times sake wanna race a neon? I can't wait to see the videos of you getting walked hard..
  9. Lucky bastard Last night when I was man scaping. Silky smooth son, thanks for the checkup on my balls.
  10. why? better question why are you hanging from his nuts?
  11. Can a laptop be have for under 300 that's not total total crap? The wife needs one for work. needs to do internetPowerPoint and Word documents anything local? Looking for new not used
  12. yes we have figure that out tard, what im asking is are you filing your taxes VIA paper or using a program to do so. If using a program just follow the prompts it will ask you all these questions and show you where to put the information.
  13. idk why? are you doing thiss via paper or something?
  14. turbo tax is easy for as basic as information as you have. i had done it with teh 401k early withdrawl years ago and it was just another form on there that took 25 seconds.
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