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Everything posted by SRTurbo04

  1. more pics off the truck...
  2. Well whatcha got, pics, price
  3. My sisters in the market for a kimber 1911 post what cha got POST PICS and PRICE...
  4. Imight be in it to win it since I'm just a hop skip and a jump away
  5. SRTurbo04

    La Revolucion

    ill say it again nighthawk your a douche...
  6. why...? you looking to sell?
  7. that ...is... AWESOME!!!! the fiance looked over and just said no ... dammit
  8. your such a douche on here on that note see you at alum for some wakeboarding bud
  9. hmm, im one ugly bastard so i take it your talking about me?
  10. never heard off them, interested in what model it is when you get the info
  11. youjizz.com pornhub.com xnxx.com
  12. pshh race car deal i could use a work out
  13. after watching it again god dam i love that wagon
  14. Hold up totally forgot!!!1 Ginger i cant belive you put your car in a enclosed trailer and trailed the trailer queen of a supra to the track when you live like 2 miles from the track... and your shops like 4 miles from the track
  15. "wet destiny" i like that name for a boat linn man i think you made a great buy, you dont have the be the fastest guy at everything (wicked fast camaro, stupiddddd fast jet ski) im sure its nice to be able to slow day and relax on this thing. Cant wait to see you guys out and about this season should be a good one.
  16. I might just have a fender and a hood from the srt4 in my moms garage you could have for free ill get back to you in a few days.
  17. just amazing, i find my self to be a balsey rider but holy hell
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