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Everything posted by SRTurbo04

  1. paul for mod 2012.... been saying it for years
  2. if i rember right its liek 35 $ for 3 years (need to reregister this year) and i pay 13$ a month for my 98 xl1200 and 98 gp1200 with progressive edit yup 33$ for 3 years and im sure the O H numbers will transfer over so u wont have to get new ones http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/watercraft/reg/tabid/2775/Default.aspx
  3. i have nothing usefull to say other then wanna race your honda vs my honda?
  4. Innnn be4 mods lock this up for speaking your mind. btw jason you rock btw phil your gay btw your both are gay and you both rock sooooo yea haha
  5. wrong ski bud. it looks exactly like my 3 seater bingo. its a ncie ski and i love the plat form..you will NOTY be able to flip the dam thing. i can jump on all sides of it and it never flips the 760 will feel underpowered if you have the 3 people on it... just be carefull with 2 people and a tuber. my xl does 56on gps i would assume the 760 does high 40s . good starter ski but im sure you will want a more powerfull one especiall yas a 3 seater
  6. Haha your old..... But really the yamahas are reliable as hell but being a 98 its probably got all original parts so u might be dumping money intothem from time to time (my xl 1200 needed a starter this year and my 98 gp1200 needed a new stator)
  7. Don't listen to him he's old and grumpy As long as the skis have been taken care of they are loads of fun. In the 3 years I've owed my 98 xl1200 I've only had to replace rhe stater(original starter from 98) hell I even sunk my jet ski and it runs like a top lol. Both skis on a trailer would be a great deal as a starter..but the 760s might be underpowered... idk that's just me my 1200 feels uinderpowered but that's just me. Those will be fun to putt around and tube on. And gets greeeat gas milage... I would jump on them as long as theystart up fine and seem to be in good shape.
  8. she looks hit in that video but from her other pics that bitch better do some porn fapfapfap
  9. the real warcraft not the gay thing its become. starcraft diablo counter strike cabellas off road adventure 2 and 3
  10. i told her this minus the bitch andd she laughed at me and went to bed lol...dammit
  11. let me drive the s4(im not picky old or new one ) and ill let you go 70s on a ski gonna be a good year old man
  12. and make me a new drink and a sandwich bitch!!!!!!!!! that is all :fuckyeah:
  13. you own a dsm, and cant read simple directions on how to get into the forum. fail and aids - rep. inb4 wagner gets his tampon bloody and says rawrrr this is why no one wants to join cr rawr rawr rawr. your sexy balding man
  14. well just got a call saying my sister bought a boat... looks like a ill be having some one fix some piece of shit boat
  15. soooooo picssss???? wife or car doesnt matter
  16. Yea...cause I ever post videos of srt4s... but hey cool story bro. Not my fault u posted a boring ass video of a
  17. SRTurbo04


    he sounds like a bitch...
  18. game night with the fiance and a few other couples. grown up FTW...
  19. So what are your plans on doing to your toys over the winter to get you ready for spring? Plans or goals for season? My plans are to get the xl1200s seat re done and get out to wakeboarding and tubing more on the couch plans for the gp1200 get it to 73+ out of a old ass hull or a old ass two stroke motor... GET SUMMMM.
  20. SRTurbo04


    where is this tool?
  21. just 2 sweet quit acting like a retard. if u were going slow in the fast lane then gtfo over....
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