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Everything posted by SRTurbo04

  1. do not want... that was the best cheap beaters u could find? dude keep looking
  2. fail of a pic sir fail of a pic lol
  3. few more days... this whole warm weather better not of jacked up the base
  4. car looks familiar you dont live in the life style condos in gahanna do you?
  5. why do u have to have a vent for your computer
  6. I agree, the fiances debt free me not so much. i got lucky shes a very inexpensive person to please she doesnt need fancy crap .
  7. come onnn be a ricer and race my vtech machine this season hahahaha
  8. some good info there will read more :fuckyeah:
  9. not every but yea we have been going on tuesdays.
  10. all the offers i get arent for a big enough credit line and its not worth it to to open it PAY the 3 or 5% to transfer it and then have another card open. i am exploring this option though yeaa not over this little of debt. my brother did that a few years back and screwed over my mom in the process. my moms still trying to fix his fuck up lol
  11. i know it would be smarter to do the higher first but i just cant see it getting payed down faster that way. idk thats why im posting to get some honest opinions. i know it will be more interest on the higher cards but if i can pay down the small ones ina few months then start throwing gobs of $ at the bigger balances to get them payed off. hmm btw yea feels good to pay them off..payed off the fiances ring last month wooohoo
  12. yea aprs are the same. i use to just pay in full each month but things got out of hand quick and idk im a tard, trying to make up for my mcsteaks. btw not behind or over at all so im not a douche who isant paying there bills just want to find the best, fastest way possible
  13. 75 to a 100 thats what im thinking. all i know is young and dumb sucks when your trying to fix ur self now ughh FML
  14. what year model accord?
  15. Well i need a few honest opinions on here(no bullshit please or ill ban your ass ) this is the suitation have a few cards that need payed off. the larger balances i have seem to have lower payments while the lower balances have higherpayments (assbackwords i know) same aprs. would you pay off the lower balances first so you can free up monthly cash so then you can put the extra $ to put twords the higher balances after? i know in theory you want to pay the higher balances first but with paying off the lower you would free up more $ monthly to pay twords the higher there for paying off the ccredit cards faster...or woudl you try to pay off the higher balances first? am i on crack for thinking this? whats your opinions on the best way posssible?
  16. sooo when we gonna race these accords??
  17. looked on ther esite on the sentra but the add on tv said 119 for the sntra idk
  18. just saw a commercial on cbs for buckeye nissan 119 for a 2012 sentra no info on money down. dam theres a ton of crack head lease deals out there
  19. god dammit linn now i wanna watch that movie haha its not the end but its still awesome http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOwBJUl4F_Y
  20. might be on COD here shortly if any ones game
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