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Everything posted by SRTurbo04

  1. not sure if serious....? fiances car is the tan accord black one is mine
  2. reading owns you both.... i have a spot in the garage we just put it out side this week as well as the cars cause it got a new floor in teh garage...
  3. what do you mean what year does it fit? this phone is a few months old
  4. buttttt hurrttt. and ok sure let me go make a randoma ss video fo me loading a boat right now.......no need to be upset its cool man we all cant be as slow as it seems you are...
  5. negative jason..if uve hit new posts and youve read everything in thrre and nothign else has posted.. yea i see it often...multiple times a day lol
  6. fs tmobile htc g2. works great amesome phone . comes with charger. 150 short and sweet How about a crack head deal... ill sell the phone and my desktop computer for 165 link to fs thread. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums...ad.php?t=97933 (i just want the desktop gone and need $ ) so your getting a fulldesktop computer for 15 bucks http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll162/04srturbo/IMG_20111111_082535.jpg
  7. you ever met one of those guys that belive what they say and no matter what people say to prove them wrong they just keep thinking they are right.... yea me neither... :jerkit:
  8. free.....her dad did it for free..i dont give a crap how long i have to park out side it was free.... yea had it beeen in the garage it wouldnt of gotten hit buttttt im sure with my luck ins tead of it getting hit by something the garage would of caved in haha
  9. You sir are correct moved intothe fiances place. The lifestyle condos off morse in gahanna.ummm idk why u no call?
  10. Put the rims on now... your summer ones look like shit
  11. agreed...has to be one of those fuckers in my small street... i have a spot. we moved it out this week because her dad put in a baller floor in her garage and the floor needs to cure or some shit... meh im ok with it.
  12. to the haters who said the wind blew over a almost 600 pound hefer of a bike no it wasent the wind. unlesss the wind can knock it over and drag it 2 feet. at first i was thinking the same thing but the exhaust drug( you can see on the ground)for a little over two feet...im sorry but the wind cant push a bike like that while its on its side :finger: assholes
  13. I get a call from the fiance today while I'm at work saying this doesn't look right.... Welll come home to this shit http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll162/04srturbo/IMG_20111109_163821.jpg http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll162/04srturbo/IMG_20111109_163830.jpg Fuckkkk youuuu. To the asshole who did a hit and run karma will catch up with you via a .40 cal bullet to the temple. Really people are dirt fucking bags.... fuckkkkk youuuuu
  14. in for snowboarding at mad river...snow drags and yeaa thats it
  15. so i wont lie i dont know what what issue 2 was about but i know it affects my best friend thats a paramedic/fire fighter. since the voting is done can any one explain what is is and what was the ourcome? and please no flamming or bull shit please
  16. Maybe I'm confused...? But what's so special about this? Hell I can back my trailer down and load my boat and drive out all but my self in less than 2 minuites... I don't see what's so special about a big ass heavy boat pulling onto a trailer and the truck pulling it out? No offense but if this is something u think is crazy than you should take some pointers at the boat ramp...
  17. x2...worthless video all i see is somethign shinny
  18. Then why even post? If someone is interested and you want it sold do some work you lazy ass Fyi I was interested would be a sweet project but due to your toolness I'm going to pass carryon
  19. Idk if its my phone or what but your pics in your fs look god awefull and make your pics look dirty...people might be deteered thinking that the party are that way. Idk my 2 cents
  20. hey bud can u bring an extra chair for me i
  21. glad to see your getting your moneys worth out of the boat
  22. ok soooo whos coming and being a dumb ass and standing around in the cold for hours upon hours untill midnight for the midnight release for mw3? last year anthony me tina some fat redneck, dragknee, carwhore and a few others all froze our asses off to get the game...sooo whos in? we are going to game stop off off 256 in the wallmart parking lot
  23. wow reallllll clever, did you think of that on your own or refer back to the posts made a year ago?? haha timmmmm dont jinx me dammit dont hate on my mad tyteeee jdm vtech speed machine... VTEC YOOOOOOO
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