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Everything posted by SRTurbo04

  1. x3 for ddm tuning. had them in my grand prix in my ranger and have them in the srt.
  2. who do you all for your pwc/boat insurance? i use progressive and i pay liek 180 a year for a 98 xl1200..seems high to me idk what are your results?
  3. umm not to be personal but was that thread you posted about kevin real or?:
  4. whoaaaa we agreed on something.. :thumbup:
  5. probably not....the place we usually go is ok because no ones doing DUMB(i am aware what were doing is dumb but u know what i mean) shit..so if u want to do that crap please stay away from everyone and out of our sweet spot so we dont lose it...
  6. be one of you two fucks ...be useless
  7. so whats your question...? you have a broke piece of shit 3rd gen mullet i dont think your going to have a problem decided on anything...?
  8. how does one get into the raw place..and where is it ...i fail
  9. no worries if u dont show you wont be missed, :finger:
  10. sure... im going car shopping on saturday sso u can race what ever mini van i get...?
  11. Hmm a lot of people eat out or do microwaveable meals it seems. Left overs are a good idea but I'm cooking for two sov ery small portions hmmm And aren't microwaveable meals unheathly?
  12. Well I'm trying to save money and save me from getting a gut back. 5 day work week what do you pack for your lunch at work or school? I've been good with brining an apple a sandwich (white..ham or turkey) and some chips or something. Buttttt after a week I'm so burnt out on sandwiches lol What do you all do for lunchs?? Recomendations for say a 30$ budget for a 5 day work week
  13. Doucge you'll tell father time but not me I see :finger:
  14. Aww come on give the details that's bs...
  15. dont get me wrong i still enjoyed them.. the quality(even the otehr two) just sucks. for as much videos,,, meh maybe thats just me bitching ahh well
  16. dude get a REAL video camera your videos are awefull lol
  17. yea theres no good deals otu there right now... and dealers suck..got offered 2k for the srt today FML
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