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Everything posted by SRTurbo04

  1. 4 to 5K i really like that place but the women somereason said jamaica is out of the question lol
  2. Well the fiance and I are looking at destinations for our honey moon next year.. it will be november time so it HAS TO BE WARM! haha Post up where you went and your experiences or where you have been period that would make a great place. Also any one ever done any of those sandal all inclusive resorts?
  3. shut the fuck up just saying. edit going back on the ignore list ya fuck chris can i take my jetski out on your block?
  4. god that thing was a turd
  5. who ever is doing the comentary sound slike a total DOUCHE sorry to hear about the house man
  6. should of posted earlier but the season opener of top gear usa started 15 minuites ago on history channel its onm again at 2am
  7. bahahahaha t6his chick is freeking awesome
  8. i got my old one back like 10 days ago but the new one still isant done
  9. SRTurbo04

    7/23 dinner.

    You of all people dissapoint me Ill be at qsl text me when u gays not guys are donde
  10. SRTurbo04

    7/23 dinner.

    Actually I'm just throwing out ideas prick. Get off my balls lately bc
  11. SRTurbo04

    7/23 dinner.

    How about caronies off of westerville rd an 270 big lot plenty of space plusssss better stromboli
  12. SRTurbo04

    7/23 dinner.

    who eats dinner at 6pm..? oh thats right my grandparents.. migth be in pending on where people go
  13. bahahahahahah http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wRXa971Xw0&feature=related
  14. i ment to introuduce my self but got side tracked
  15. john bruh you fat bastard... http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/197831_10150539959920215_520765214_18053491_1348022_n.jpg
  16. x2 on too good to be true for a contour....
  17. When I get my second jet ski back from the dealer
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