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Everything posted by SRTurbo04

  1. bahahahaaha brandons pic looks kinda real an normal
  2. you are aware that personal chargers have teh shifter down there...but the cops cars are converted to on the colum... an umm chargers are everrrrryyywhere now so your logic doesnt work
  3. I dont care if you like the "new me" or not. I am not here to please you or anyone. i drive an s10 because it was given to me for free dollars why the heck wouldnt i drive it? the srt is still in my driveway not too worried about it. an yes i deleted you today.. along with 30+ other people... why you ask? Im not on fb to have the most friends i am on there to talk to friends an keep in touch... we never communicate on there soo therefore you got booted. Any one else have any questions?
  4. gotta love oceanside.... the marines totally take over oceanside on leave weekends. (north west side of san diego) ahh miss it an yea cop was cool the guy was a dick
  5. i keep forgettin about the block button then. ill just add all these annoying fucks to it an sorry bud no one hass my balls good try asshole
  6. yea years ago back when people were allowed to race an setup stuff on here.
  7. idk even know who apache is with all these name changes so good try with that. he has that "trool": crap in this sig so hess apart of the saame three people the thread shit in every single thread that annoy the shit out of me. an i dont see how its even remotely funny but thas just me so kindly EAD
  8. what? the gay shit that apache posts its purly annoying
  9. ^^^^^^its shit liek that that is slowly killing cr. shut the fuck up with the shit seriously its annoying go the fuck away
  10. SRTurbo04

    7/22 HOT!

    woooorking. might be ouit tomorrow night
  11. download the photbucket app in the market place. upload to photobucket then copy paste the links
  12. during thre day? shiitttt thanks for the invite :finger: haha
  13. hater.. wanna get drug around by a v6 mustang....?
  14. u have nothing to worry about . your in cr enjoy bud. we hold privte track rentals a few times a year, hold car shows as well
  15. tonnnns of people go out during the week.. TONNNNSSSS its one thing to sit in a boat going 40 mph....the wind doesnt help much ona jet ski though ur splashing around in the water so you can stay cool.
  16. your slow thats all
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