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Everything posted by SRTurbo04

  1. SRTurbo04


    Dam ..stalker much?
  2. Then why is it you always find an excuse to not race my neon... :gtfo: An to the original poster I've got a little neon, what do you wanna do?
  3. Aww thats a cute bike...... is that your girl friends new bike?
  4. Most do not have recivers...
  5. Nothing, runs freeking awesome does high 50 mphs its bad ass an I loved it but I wanted a bigger boat. Its a small boat so it sucks in choppy water, doesn't carry a lot of weight an sucks for sking/tubing (due to the outboard)
  6. Fs is my copy of call of duty modern warefare 2 20$ gets it Also have test drive unlimited 10$ Also grand theft auto 10$
  7. good chance ill show up for the douche baggery events
  8. Some companies do this... msot don't. They state everywhere that they won't match black friday prices. People tried to pull that crap this morning here at best buy.
  9. Should of traded me when u had your chance.. now uve got a broken bike goodluck on the sale an move broski
  10. Did u really bump this up from almost 5 months ago????
  11. SRTurbo04


    He is selling it because he lost to my neon countless times No he won't its a honda
  12. U got rid of the girly car? Good I like the bmw looks great
  13. Wasent the senta fag the guy that was talking shit about cr on ohio customes or some otger gay site? Give the kid a break he's a raging homo who drives a sentra that lurks around the forum. FAG An yea funny video
  14. you would want something gay like that...
  15. Any one use any sole inserts liek dr shoals in there shoes? what ones do you like best an why? my feeet hurt bad from standing around all day an i need tog et some inserts or something.
  16. Just got home. I see there's an update. Any one know what it consists of?
  17. Glad you could come out an support cr an get ur pb! Car looked great keep it up an hope to see you at some of the future track days that we hold. + rep Edit: I was the useless guy on the scooter
  18. I alreeady answered looks like it got deleted in the douvchebag posts. 1) idk I've had many cars bikes tyoys dirt an water. Far north of 20 easily :bangbang: 2) I would take a penguin. Why you ask? Because no one has a pet pone its rare haha plus they have a tuxedo look to them... so if I wore a tuxedo t-shirt we could match bad asssss 3)I don't know ona. Scale but it was so loud it broke a wine glass... it was E P I C 4) not sure why the site would close or burn down if I was a mod so I won't answer. But if I had to ban anyone I would ban "killjoy" he might be the worlds biggest piece of shit. 5) I am doing well, my feet hurt from work but overall well. Thank you for asking my good sir, how are you? Response to hal I almost feel special u haven't posted on cr in months an you only come back to post about me miss you hal o sexy. Anyone else have any questions?
  19. thats what im saying and yet he managed to just mash the peddle spin liek crazy an peg off the rev limiterin an auto(didnt anthony do that in his auto formula ) i know its not hard to drive an auto but it can take some skill to launch an not do those just my 2 cents.
  20. best buy has 32in lcd tvs that were on sale today for 250... people were buying them up by the cart loads. wooo
  21. i about died when i saw this haha. pool tonight btw
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