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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Hey I'll take the pads. Don't know when I'll see you. If you meet Ben he can get them for me.

    FYI. I'm the guy that gave you the 7.62 ammo last Sunday.

    i belive u gave that to another guy that came with us

    sale pending on the pads but hasent picked them up yet...

    if ben would liek to see the pads i can give it to him as well but he hasent called to see them

  2. typical phil always just talking shit.


    phil you were not there so keep your opinions to your self an shut the fuck up.


    you might be all" high and mighty" ooo yeaaa im a pro strip club enthusiast who gives a fuck what you do or how you do it. IF you were with us great then u can complain about HOW BAD IT Was but you wernt so really dude

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