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Everything posted by SRTurbo04

  1. typical phil always just talking shit. phil you were not there so keep your opinions to your self an shut the fuck up. you might be all" high and mighty" ooo yeaaa im a pro strip club enthusiast who gives a fuck what you do or how you do it. IF you were with us great then u can complain about HOW BAD IT Was but you wernt so really dude
  2. wow rachels really haha
  3. Eeh can't add cash recently layed off no worries call me tomorrow if u want to check out those boots Glws
  4. Trade u those mx boots you wanted and that helmet leme know...
  5. don't worry there's pics.. well pics of carwhore. He got passsed out drunk bahaahhaah He ended up getting kicked out cause he passed out at a table.
  6. thanks man. i dont have the $ right now.. considering the suitation im in right nwo so itll be done over winter i give up trying to salvage the season hell yea an helllll yes
  7. they get payed 358974875$$ so they make due an dont care cause there getting payed an there used to it. big difference asshole
  8. have you ever worked on a waverunner...? the opening to the engine bay is liek 2 feet by 1.5 feet....an its all INSIDE THE hull.. BELOW everything... it makes for a VERY VERY difficult time to work on it example... the electrical box(for the starter relay) ....behind the motor...an below it with 4 inchs of workspace between the electrical box an the motor... i sure hope so...
  9. SUCK BALLLLLSSSSS been battling an issue was told by many MANY MANNNNYYYY people that it was the starter soldnoid relay... after me not being able to fix it i sent to to the dealer to get fixed... paid to get it done an boom its not fixed... said its a starter gone bad... Yamaha wants .... 461+labor so like 650 WTF!!!!!! ebays got them for 55 dollars brand new ... sooo where is Yamaha getting the extra 400$ from?!?!? dam this thing to hell an back, i haven't been able to enjoy the lake since july ahaha not a fun day..... /end my bitching
  10. Pmd u back on cr ben give me a ring I'm free most of the day
  11. Get the xr u could always sell it if u don't like it...bigger bike mower POWAAAA an how often do u see xrs on the road... all I see is kawasuckys an drzs
  12. no closet queen here just never went i guess.
  13. dont go down the track if you or your car cant handle the pass...i dont see whats a big suprise here? sounds like common sense to me if i can get the bike fixed by then, ill make a few passes
  14. looks like the sensor is right about the filter.. knowing your dumb ass you probably hit it an broke it or something ....
  15. Imnot sure what you mean by this comment?
  16. Butthurt? That's the best response as to why your on cr wasting bandwith? :gtfo:
  17. Its pointless for us to race we've done it 2828482020 times...ull beat me 1/2 throttle but sure if u want torwaste the gas then sure....
  18. see above..... An my question still stands WHY are you on cr? You provide nothing for cr except useless posts that you "think" are funny... sorry to tell you but your FARRRRRR from funny And why am I here? Simply put I'm here to race..hence columbus RACING.... I go to every track day car show an car event preety much that is held... an even ones none auto related. iim here for car shit, not to post useless stuff cluttering the board, making CR get farther an farther away from what its susposed to be " a car enthuiest web site" go back to a I m with ur "lulzk
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