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Everything posted by SRTurbo04

  1. SRTurbo04


    Never a issue with any of these stuff ever in 20 years. Maybe you didn't put the thing together correctly
  2. Arent you a mechanic? These small engines are straight forward and rebuilds aren't too in depth. Look on youtube im sure theres full rebuild videos.
  3. Just a guess here, but I would think the courts might have access to bmv info, or some one in the police department to run a plate, to get who the person and address is under. Just a pure guess
  4. good, one less person in front of me in line.
  5. http://static5.businessinsider.com/image/51b8e89ceab8eaa87d000009-400-/tinfoil-hat.jpg
  6. 400hp slingshot, doc you need to mod yours.
  7. Yes as stated in the first post I am not looking for a zero turn, not for this small of area. I am looking to use it for other things other then just basic mowing as I go along.
  8. your link didn't work, I edited it with what I thought was a link that worked lol ps your link you changed it back to still doesn't work. Kenny was his screen name for any one that wants to look him up
  9. Was one hilarious SOB. Sadly he passed in an accident a few years back.
  10. Update? You bang man hands yet?
  11. got some more info and pics? ive ben getting mixed reviews on mtd, people either love them or hate them it seems.
  12. That's the one ive been leaning twords, its there entry level rig but has what I am needing. Am I missing something here? Are craftsman mowers junk or something? why are they around 500$ less then most other mowers? I seem to always see craftsman mowers growing up? http://www.sears.com/craftsman-420cc-42-8221-step-through-frame-riding-mower/p-07120370000P?prdNo=3&blockNo=3&blockType=G3
  13. With my back issues, push mowing for 45 minutes 2-3 times a week kills me.
  14. man people want stupid money for used mowers.
  15. Ok so i dont need one of those fancy zero turn mowers that every one seems to ask about. I am looking for a good riding mower (40+inch). Possibly a bagger attachment, blade must be usable while backing up as well. Its amazing how many different makes and models there are out there. Any one have any good experience with a certain model? Looking to buy in a next month. 1500$ or less. i wish. http://cdn.images.express.co.uk/img/dynamic/80/590x/lawnmower2apr14-468215.jpg
  16. This gonna be ready for track day???
  17. Hasent it been on jackstands/Lift for the last 4 yers? This a update on the dust accumulation?
  18. Nope nope and nope. Might as well stop there. You are going to spend in upwards of 25k for rent in a year, most likely for an apartment. taxes alone will then kill you. IMO it would have to be 100k or more to move to be comfortable. Its a hard decision to make!
  19. My guess is to tell them your an idiot and lost your phone and you really need it back? Never understood how some one loses a phone. Good luck though. Ps next phone, install the apps to track it.
  20. better yet, bring out that princess of yours and make some passes.
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